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They should all cost about the same price, right?

Yes, if you're getting them all in the same style (hardcover/paperback). Firestar's Quest costs more than hardcover /or/ paperback and The Rise of Scourge costs less.

EDIT: Hey, guys, take a look at the Question that I posted at this link. I'd like to see some/any of you work it out~

If you want to post your rationale, make sure to put it under spoiler cover.

Also note that this was made before the release of Eclipse, so therefore
the new Wind/River/ShadowClan cats, the names Willowshine, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, Cinderheart, Poppyfrost, and Honeyfern, as well as Bumblekit, Briarkit and Blossomkit
don't exist at this time.

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Here, I'll post an example with rationale~

Who is Firestar's apprentice's sister's mentor's daughter's apprentice's mother?

Who is Firestar's apprentice (Cinderpaw/Brackenpaw/Cloudpaw/Bramblepaw)'s sister (Brightheart/Cinderpelt/Tawnypelt)'s mentor (Whitestorm/Cloudtail/Firestar/Yellowfang/Brackenfur/Oakfur)'s daughter (Sorreltail/Whitewing/Squirrelflight/Leafpool/Honeyfern/Cinderheart/Poppyfrost)'s apprentice (Foxpaw/Icepaw/Jaypaw)'s mother (Ferncloud/Squirrelflight)?

Of course, in the actual Question there's only one answer, but... 8D

I'll post the rationale and answer sometime in the near future.

EDIT: Oh, by the way, we have the cover for the second Tigerstar and Sasha book. You can find it at the Wands and Worlds page here. (It's not yet on Moonlit Path because I don't yet have a Paint-equivalent or anything. >.<;) Scroll down to see a larger picture.

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Who is Berrynose’s mentor’s daughter’s mentor ’s sister’s apprentice’s mate’s apprentice’s mentor’s mother’s ThunderClan counterpart’s father’s apprentice’s apprentice’s apprentice’s half-sister’s father’s brother’s mentor’s mentor’s mentor’s mate’s prefix-sharer’s mentor’s brother’s mentor’s apprentice’s prefix-sharer’s apprentice’s mother’s mentor’s mentor’s mentor’s mate’s daughter’s mentor’s mentor’s mate’s daughter’s mentor’s apprentice’s mate’s mother’s apprentice’s apprentice’s uncle’s apprentice’s sister’s mother’s apprentice’s sister’s mentor’s father’s apprentice’s brother’s father’s mother’s sister’s mate’s son’s mentor’s daughter’s mate’s apprentice’s mate’s mentor’s mate’s SkyClan counterpart’s apprentice’s sister’s mentor’s ShadowClan counterpart’s apprentice’s mentor’s RiverClan counterpart’s apprentice’s brother’s father’s successor’s apprentice’s sister’s mentor’s mentor’s prefix-sharer’s RiverClan counterpart’s prefix-sharer’s mentor’s apprentice’s love’s mentor’s mate’s mother’s mate’s predecessor’s daughter’s apprentice’s mother’s apprentice’s mother’s prefix-sharer’s mother’s mentor’s mentor’s mentor’s apprentice’s mate’s mentor’s daughter’s mate’s mate’s mother’s apprentice’s love’s half-sister’s prefix-sharer’s killer’s apprentice’s son’s prefix-sharer’s father’s mentor’s prefix-sharer’s sister’s mentor’s mate’s daughter’s mentor’s mother’s mother’s mentor’s apprentice’s daughter’s apprentice’s brother’s prefix-sharer’s mentor’s brother’s apprentice’s love’s daughter’s mate’s apprentice’s mother’s mate’s mentor’s mate’s mother’s killer’s son’s sister’s mentor’s mentor’s mate’s daughter’s apprentice’s brother’s mentor’s mother’s apprentice’s mate’s mother’s apprentice’s brother’s mentor’s mentor’s prefix-sharer’s mentor’s son’s prefix-sharer’s mother’s prefix-sharer’s apprentice’s son’s mentor’s apprentice’s apprentice’s father’s mate’s mother’s father’s apprentice’s prefix-sharer’s apprentice’s apprentice’s mate’s daughter’s mentor’s 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son’s apprentice’s mother’s mate’s mentor’s apprentice’s sister’s mentor’s nephew’s mate’s apprentice’s brother’s mentor’s sister’s mate’s apprentice’s brother’s mother’s mate’s apprentice’s love’s mentor’s mate’s son’s love’s mentor’s mate’s apprentice’s mentor’s sister’s apprentice’s mare’s mother’s predecessor’s apprentice’s mother’s mentor’s prefix-sharer’s mentor’s predecessor’s daughter’s mentor’s mentor’s mate’s daughter’s mate’s son’s mentor’s mentor’s predecessor’s apprentice’s mate’s father’s mate’s father’s successor’s apprentice’s half-sister’s mentor’s mate’s apprentice?

I will answer tomorrow, putting it here for easier reference. Just don't have time today D:
... Um. *can't think of anything to say to help*

Here, I'll make one by going in steps -- try solving this:

Who is Sandstorm's mentor's daughter's mate? (Yeah, it's easy, but I'm doing steps~ 8D)

EDIT: hay look Long Shadows summaries

"The Clans are in turmoil. ShadowClan has turned their backs on StarClan and pledged to follow the dark predictions of Sol, the strange cat who predicted the solar eclipse. But not all the cats have lost faith in their warrior ancestors... Jaypaw is convinced that StarClan still holds an important place in the warrior code, but his search for answers leads him far back into the past of the Clans, farther back than even StarClan can remember. Lionblaze, tortured by violent dreams and bloody visions, wishes he had never been prophecied to be one of the three...but to turn his back on his denmates would be the ultimate betrayal, and Hollyleaf is terrified that once the Clans lose their faith, the warrior code will fall apart, spelling something sinister for them all. She's willing to fight to preserve it-whatever the cost. In these turbulent and confusing times, claws are unsheathed, fangs are bared, and the dark undertake of the forest is revealed. But when murder stalks into the heart of ThunderClan, the cats realize that the darkest shadows don't always lie outside the warrior code."

"As doubt rocks the forest, Firestar's three grandchildren are determined to convince the Clans that their faith in StarClan and the warrior code is more important than ever-and each one must struggle with their own hopes and fears. At the same time, murderous rage lurks in the most unexpected of places, and one cat will reveal a breathtaking secret..."

Epic. Epic. Only problem is that after Eclipse I have Long Shadows-phobia (despite its epic epicness) and I can't wait for November 25th without going insane first. ;~;
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Above question=Brackenfur

Sandstorm's mentor=Whitestorm
Whitestorm's daughter=Sorreltail
Sorreltail's mate=Brackenfur

Now working out...

Berrynose's mentor=Brambleclaw
Brambleclaw's daughter=Hollyleaf
Hollyleaf's mentor=Brackenfur
Brackenfur's sister=Brightheart or Cinderpelt
Brightheart's apprentice=Jaypaw/Cinderpelt's apprentice=Leafpool
I believe that this is where the line goes cold, as I believe that you aren't referring to theories, and neither had official mates. You said that sometimes errors are made.
I believe that this is where the line goes cold, as I believe that you aren't referring to theories, and neither had official mates. You said that sometimes errors are made.

No, because I consider Leafpool and Crowfeather official mates.
Ah, okay.

Leafpool's mate=Crowfeather
Crowfeather's apprentice=Heatherpaw
Heatherpaw's mentor=Crowfeather (oh um duh)
Crowfeather's mother=Ashfoot
Ashfoot's ThunderClan counterpart=Brambleclaw
Brambleclaw's father=Tigerstar
Tigerstar's apprentice=Darkstripe
Darkstripe's apprentice=Longtail
Longtail's apprentice=Swiftpaw
Swiftpaw's half-sister=Sorreltail
Sorreltail's father=Whitestorm

That's all I have time for now :P
Ah, okay.

Leafpool's mate=Crowfeather
Crowfeather's apprentice=Heatherpaw
Heatherpaw's mentor=Crowfeather (oh um duh)
Crowfeather's mother=Ashfoot
Ashfoot's ThunderClan counterpart=Brambleclaw
Brambleclaw's father=Tigerstar
Tigerstar's apprentice=Darkstripe
Darkstripe's apprentice=Longtail
Longtail's apprentice=Swiftpaw
Swiftpaw's half-sister=Sorreltail
Sorreltail's father=Whitestorm

That's all I have time for now :P

wtf since when is Whitestorm Swiftpaw's father o.O And don't forget that I also consider Tigerclaw to be Firepaw's mentor as well. Yeah, there's a lot of stuff I'm not telling you. Like I said, pretty much anything on this page is what I consider fact.
Wasn't Sorreltail Whitestorm's dughter? That doesn't necessarily mean his half-sister's father is the same.

Of course, I may be missing the point. :/

Also, that link doesn't work.
Wasn't Sorreltail Whitestorm's dughter? That doesn't necessarily mean his half-sister's father is the same.

Of course, I may be missing the point. :/

Sorreltail was Whitestorm and Willowpelt's daughter, while Swiftpaw was Goldenflower's son, and was mentioned at one point as Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt's half-brother. 8D

As for the link... uh... try this.
It says it on the official website >> Swiftpaw is Willowpelt and Patchpelt's daughter, Willowpelt also mated with Whitestorm and got Sorreltail, making Sorreltail Swiftpaw's half-sister.

Either that or it goes like

Tigerstar's apprentice=Firestar
Firestar's apprentice=Brambleclaw
Brambleclaw's apprentice=Berrynose
Berrynose's half-sister=Rosekit
Rosekit's father=Spiderleg
You guys.

Are all.


...so, what's the prize for figuring this out, anyway? Bragging rights?
It says it on the official website >>

The official website trees have been proven by Vicky to be nothing more than some HarperCollins person deciding it would be a good idea to put family trees on the site against Vicky's word and when they couldn't find any in the first series they made some up.

You can't argue with "Swiftpaw's mother, Goldenflower, sat next to him, while Bramblekit and Tawnykit, Swiftpaw's half brother and half sister, looked on with wide, scared eyes." Swiftpaw is both male and clearly Goldenflower's son as well.

Salamander: It's just for fun. 8D
Yeah, I know. xD I just find it more fun to sit back with popcorn and watch than to participate myself.
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