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Warriors Fan Club

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I've almost finished Outcast. And I started it this morning. And today was a school day. Oh yay.

I finished Firestar's Quest during a school day once. Firestar's Quest.

Salamander said:
Because they're DOING IT WRONG D:

...actually, I'm not familiar with Warriors fandom anywhere else, but judging from what you said...

Yeah, basically. Ask Flametail to get you some links, she's more familiar with Warrior's Wish than I am and I'm lazy~ 8D
I avoid Warriors' Wish for the sole reason that the amount of Twilight fangirls makes me want to punch myself repeatedly.

Ugh I can't wait for Eclipse~

And my OTP is seriously Jaypaw/Kestrelpaw. :[ -rereading The Power of Three in excitement-
I finished Firestar's Quest during a school day once. Firestar's Quest.


Anyway, I finished Outcast during dinner at Chili's. Now onto Eclipse :D

I didn't think that Outcast was one of the most intruiging in the Warriors series. But it sure was chock-full of supportive JayLeafCrow quotes ;D
Outcast was great! :3 I think I preferred Dark River, though; it's my favourite in TPoT so far. I read Outcast in... two hours-ish, I think... I don't remember really. xD
Flametail says that her computer "randomly decided to have a spazz attack" and it might be a while before she can get on.

Random thoughts of the moment: Okay, so I was re-reading Po3, and either the authors /seriously/ messed up when giving Jaypaw temporary vision or he's been sight-dreaming a long time.

We all know he's sight-dreamed of for example the Moonpool, but I believe he's sight-dreamed of much more: in particular the Clan cats. He knew the difference between Lionpaw's and his own paws during the vision in The Sight; he knows exactly what makes a tabby cat tabby (and it can't just be someone telling him "tabby is stripes", because he wouldn't exactly be able to tell what stripes were when he looked at them, would he?), he's able to distinguish colors as well as various objects when seeing, etc. So yeah. 8D
Random thoughts of the moment: Okay, so I was re-reading Po3, and either the authors /seriously/ messed up when giving Jaypaw temporary vision or he's been sight-dreaming a long time.

We all know he's sight-dreamed of for example the Moonpool, but I believe he's sight-dreamed of much more: in particular the Clan cats. He knew the difference between Lionpaw's and his own paws during the vision in The Sight; he knows exactly what makes a tabby cat tabby (and it can't just be someone telling him "tabby is stripes", because he wouldn't exactly be able to tell what stripes were when he looked at them, would he?), he's able to distinguish colors as well as various objects when seeing, etc. So yeah. 8D

I noticed that too; my assumption was that, like you said, he'd been dreaming of his Clanmates since he was very little and could recognize them all by sight.
I noticed that too; my assumption was that, like you said, he'd been dreaming of his Clanmates since he was very little and could recognize them all by sight.

I don't think he saw the whole Clan, though, because he didn't recognize Stormfur and Brook until he had that vision in Outcast.

He also must have seen more than just his Clanmates alone, since he also recognizes various cat actions (or maybe I'm just reading too much into it)...
I don't think he saw the whole Clan, though, because he didn't recognize Stormfur and Brook until he had that vision in Outcast.

He also must have seen just more than his Clanmates alone, since he also recognizes cat actions (or maybe I'm just reading too much into it).

Hm. Well, I guess he only saw some of them... maybe he was more likely to dream about the ones important to him -- the apprentices (closest to his age), the other kits, the medicine cat and leader, etc.?

'Cat actions?' Huh?
Hm. Well, I guess he only saw some of them... maybe he was more likely to dream about the ones important to him -- the apprentices (closest to his age), the other kits, the medicine cat and leader, etc.?

'Cat actions?' Huh?

For lack of a better word. Um. Like, he knows basically if a cat does something that would have to be seen to be understood (unless someone told him what it was) he knows /what/ it is they're doing. I can't actually think of an example at the moment, but hopefully that was clear enough. (It probably wasn't. 8D)
For lack of a better word. Um. Like, he knows basically if a cat does something that would have to be seen to be understood (unless someone told him what it was) he knows /what/ it is they're doing. I can't actually think of an example at the moment, but hopefully that was clear enough. (It probably wasn't. 8D)

It was fairly clear; I can't think of any examples, either, so I'm not sure if these would be things that would be likely to appear in normal dreams or not. ^^"
OMG I got TDH yesterday! But my mom hid it and told me I had to finish my 21 pages of Algebra homework before I read, used the computer, or played any video games. So, I just finished, and after I finish checking everything here on the computer, I'll start reading! ^_^
Into the Wild
Fire and Ice
Forest of Secrets
Rising Storm
A Dangerous Path
The Darkest Hour

Firestar's Quest


The Sight
Dark River

The Lost Warrior
Warrior's Refuge
Warrior's Return

Into the Woods

The Rise of Scourge

Secrets of the Clans
Cats of the Clans

And that's every book released so far :D I have them all except for Cats of the Clans and Into the Woods.
Okay, thanks. I'll give my mom this list.

Shadow forgot to mention that The Lost Warrior, Warrior's Refuge, Warrior's Return, The Rise of Scourge and Into the Woods are all manga books. By the way, Into the Woods' actual title is
Tigerstar and Sasha: Into the Woods

As for the recommended reading order (since some them are very vague in timeline) for the first time reading them, I'd suggest:

Into the Wild
Fire and Ice
Forest of Secrets
Rising Storm
A Dangerous Path
The Darkest Hour

The Rise of Scourge

Firestar's Quest


Into the Woods

The Sight
Dark River

The Lost Warrior
Warrior's Refuge
Warrior's Return

Secrets of the Clans

Cats of the Clans

After you've already read them, put The Rise of Scourge before the first series, Into the Woods before the second (before Firestar's Quest) and The Lost Warrior/Warrior's Refuge/Warrior's Return before the third series.
-tries to work out what ones she still has to get.-

Into the Wild
Fire and Ice
Forest of Secrets
Rising Storm
A Dangerous Path
The Darkest Hour

Firestar's Quest


The Sight
Dark River


The Lost Warrior
Warrior's Refuge

Warrior's Return

Into the Woods

The Rise of Scourge

Secrets of the Clans
Cats of the Clans

ah, so many still to go~
So I like finished TDH and
I knew Tawnypaw was going to be the traitor and Bramblepaw the faithful one. I just knew it all along somehow. It's always the quiet ones =P
Whitestorm's death was tragic, and Scourge is awesome in the most dreadful way. Killing Tigerstar nine times with one blow? Just...wow.
Firestar x Sandstorm...did she "get pregnant" during that patrol they had alone together? Or when they slept in Firestar's den? It doesn't matter, though. They're more adorable than ever in this book =D

All right so, according to Leafy, I should buy The Rise of Scourge, then Firestar's Quest...should be easy enough to save for with my new allowance (that's supposed to be for lunch, but I don't eat =P).
I knew Tawnypaw was going to be the traitor and Bramblepaw the faithful one. I just knew it all along somehow. It's always the quiet ones =P

Except she's not a traitor. 8D

As for the Fire/Sand thing, Sandy got pregnant after the events of FQ. Which lis like ten moons after TDH.

And both TRoS and FQ are epic.
Well, you know what I mean xP

It shouldn't take much more than a week or two for me to have enough to buy those two books. I'll just have to tell my mom I'd spent all my lunch money on cookies =P
So I'll buy those two, then...the next series is The New Prophecy, right? Then I'll buy those. They should all cost about the same price, right?
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