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Warriors Fan Club

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Melodic Harmony said:
2) What's the ShadowClan camp like? If Leafpool or Flametail get to my question first, is the way you describe it on your site the way the original camp was, or the one by the lake?

It's the one mentioned in the forest territory. Here's also an excerpt from my fanfic which is my interpretation of the forest camp:

"The nursery was to his left. Trying to avoid sight, he slid into the shadows at the edge of the clearing, and padded toward the gorse bush in which the nursery was located. Sniffing the air, he realized there was no scent of himself or Sky...paw. Even more puzzling was the scent of Streamflow and Rainbowpaw. Streamflow was a warrior now! And Rainbowpaw... she had been an apprentice for four moons. Why were their scents here? And where was his? He couldn't smell even a stale scent of himself anywhere.

He slid around the outside of the bush to the apprentices' den. Skypaw's scent was mixed with the scents of the other ShadowClan cats. Both Skypaw's and Cloudpaw's scents were here... but both of them were warriors! Why were their scents here?

He padded around the warriors' den, uncomfortably aware that any cat entering camp would see him immediately. He was planning on heading to Rainfall's den, but a whiff of scent upon passing Nightstar's den stopped him in his tracks. The scent in Nightstar's den, which was under some roots of a tall tree with thick branches that faced the whole camp, was not Nightstar, but an unknown cat whose scent he couldn't identify. And Nightstar's scent was stale, more than it should have been if she had just left with the patrol that he had passed on the way in.

He slid farther back, past the leader's den, until he saw a part of the bramble thicket that was not as thick as the others--Rainfall's den. Peering around a clump of brambles, he saw a small tortoiseshell kit and a larger dark gray cat sitting just outside the den. Their voices reached him, but he was too far away to make out what they were saying. Piles of herbs lay at their paws, and the tortoiseshell kit was poking some with a small brown paw. The dark gray cat occasionally nodded or shook his head. Eaglekit was about to pad out to talk to them when the gray cat rose to his paws, and gathering up some of the herbs, padded back into the shadows of the den. The tortoiseshell followed suit. Eaglekit took this opportunity to creep from his hiding place closer to the den. He was about to walk in when the tortoiseshell padded out, not noticing Eaglekit hiding just beyond the den. Her scent reached his nose, and his ears pricked in surprise."

Yeah okay it's an infodump what's your point. Flametail insisted I add more description. 8D

Ignore all the crap that isn't description, it's part of the fanfic. 8D

EDIT: Rereading the story, it actually makes a lot less sense than I thought it would. I should revise it again...

Fwee Eclipse + Into the Woods come out todaaaaay~!
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The description adds nothing and only makes the reader bored. D: You should trim it down, it's far better to show and not tell.

ALSO YAY ECLIPSE. :3 I ordered it today -- well I made my dad order it for my birthday <3 -- but it won't get here for a while. Sigh.
The description adds nothing and only makes the reader bored. D: You should trim it down, it's far better to show and not tell.

Alright. Meh, there are so many things wrong with the story that I can't even begin to count. xD;

ALSO YAY ECLIPSE. :3 I ordered it today -- well I made my dad order it for my birthday <3 -- but it won't get here for a while. Sigh.
When's your birthday?

Anyway, my mom's out running errands and picking up Eclipse and Into the Woods is one of them. <333

EDIT: Here's a slightly revised descriptionthing...

"The nursery was to his left. Trying to avoid sight, he slid into the shadows at the edge of the clearing, and padded toward the gorse bush in which the nursery was located. Sniffing the air, he realized there was no scent of himself or Sky...paw. Even more puzzling was the scent of Streamflow and Rainbowpaw. Streamflow was a warrior now! And Rainbowpaw... she had been an apprentice for four moons. Why were their scents here? And where was his? He couldn't smell even a stale scent of himself anywhere. There was, however, one unfamiliar scent that he hadn't smelled before. It wasn't Flowkit... it was some other ShadowClan cat. Some dead cat, perhaps? Eaglekit shook his head. He had no time to think about that now.

Where was the medicine cat's den? Eaglekit realized with a jolt that he hadn't actually been to the medicine cat's den before. He slunk away from the nursery, padding around the edge of the camp until a familiar scent reached him--that of Rainbowpaw. Craning his neck to look around the edge of a small bush, he saw a familiar dark gray cat and a tortoiseshell kit."
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It's on Saturday. :D -excited-

Oh, lucky you. <33 I'll end up spoiling myself but I don't care~
...I still don't even have the sixth book from the first series ;~;
But I'll get it soon =P
Probably Saturday...

Anyway, thank you for your help, Tailsy and Leafpool! I'll come back with more questions when I get further into the fic xP

EDIT: Oh, I've a question now. Silverpelt is capitalized in the books, and is the term the cats use to describe the spread of stars across the night sky, correct? Also, the year's seasons (Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn) in cat terms are leafbare, newleaf, greenleaf, and...?
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Okay, i finished Eclipse, and my reaction is like that at the end of this comic.

Where do I even begin?

Well, remember how in Dark River WindClan was blatantly ignoring the ThunderClan border? They continue that in Eclipse, going so far as to hunt prey on the ThunderClan border. A patrol of cats goes to talk to Onestar, and a couple WindClan cats accuse them of disregarding the warrior code (hypocrites) and forces the patrol to leave. Later in the book, they attack ThunderClan in their own camp to "make ThunderClan realize they're not the most important Clan in the forest". The ThunderClan cats drive them off, but the WindClan cats double back into ThunderClan territory as three separate groups to attack once more. Lionpaw comes face-to-face with Heatherpaw during one battle, and accuses her of revealing to WindClan the secret of the tunnels (Hollypaw had discovered another ThunderClan tunnel entrance with WindClan scent near the border). Heatherpaw denies it and claims that Sedgekit was the one who had told, but Lionpaw doesn't believe her and completely loses his trust in her.

Later in that battle, Hollypaw discovers that RiverClan is aiding WindClan in their raid, and goes to ShadowClan for help. ShadowClan accepts and comes to join the battle (marking the first time ThunderClan and ShadowClan have teamed up against RiverClan and WindClan).

After the battle, dawn comes, but is immediately tempered by... you guessed it... an eclipse. Actually, the day before the battle, stranger Sol had come to warn Leafpool and Jaypaw of the impending darkness, but they shrug off his words (a fatal mistake on their part).

ShadowClan - Blackstar in particular - completely lose trust in StarClan and decide not to attend Gatherings any more because of the eclipse, which Sol had revealed was not actually caused by StarClan. Sol's implication was actually that StarClan are not helping the Clans anymore, and after the Gathering Jaypaw realizes that when Yellowfang tells him "We must choose our battles carefully". StarClan has, by Jaypaw's interpretation, surrendered (to what it does not say, but I assume either to the power of the kits or to the living Clans' basic disregard for them). The last few sentences of the book have Jaypaw realizing that the marking out of the sun represents the marking out of the Clans and that only he, Lionblaze and Hollyleaf can do anything about it.

For less important details: Willowpaw is now Willowshine (ha, I was the first one to use that suffix), and Cinderpaw, who managed to hurt her leg again by crashing onto a dead tree, fully recovered under Jaypaw's watch and his idea to help her recover her leg by... swimming. The water supports her better than the ground does and she can stretch her leg without bothering it.

The excerpt of Long Shadows has Sol working ShadowClan up against StarClan for some unexplained reason, and Blackstar decides the Clan will basically become fully independent, without relying on anything else, and there's also a hint of them quite possibly leaving the forest.

So yeah. Very eventful book.

Melodic Harmony said:
EDIT: Oh, I've a question now. Silverpelt is capitalized in the books, and is the term the cats use to describe the spread of stars across the night sky, correct? Also, the year's seasons (Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn) in cat terms are leafbare, newleaf, greenleaf, and...?

Silverpelt is technically the Milky Wat, but yes, you're correct.

As for the autumn season, it's "leaf-fall".
;_______; omg Blackstar! wtf! BUT I LOVE YOUUUUU -insane fangirl :[-

I must read this book. MUST.
T_T I can't get 'Clipse or Into the Woods right now because my mom has to stay at work. *wails* But... but this is the book that will finally pick up the pace with PO3!

*stares desperately at Leafpool* Is it good? I mean, of course it's good, but is it good even by Warriors standards?
Thank you, Leafpool! <3

Into the Woods is manga, right?
...The Warriors manga might be the first manga I've read in years =P

nooo Blackstar, don't! D: D: D: Also Jaypaw is kind of being less of a jerk (yay) and Lionpaw is starting to scare me o.o and Sol is not up to any good =/ and I probably forgot a bunch of what I wanted to say and I should stop posting these fragments puncutated by emoticons, probably, but oh well~ =)
T_T I can't get 'Clipse or Into the Woods right now because my mom has to stay at work. *wails* But... but this is the book that will finally pick up the pace with PO3!

*stares desperately at Leafpool* Is it good? I mean, of course it's good, but is it good even by Warriors standards?

Yes. YES. It's terrific. Although it officially freaks me out and makes me half-dread the events of Long Shadows.

Melodic Harmony said:
Into the Woods is manga, right?

Yeah. Into the Woods, The Rise of Scourge, The Lost Warrior, Warrior's Refuge and Warrior's Return are all manga.
I've only read the first two chapters of Eclipse D: I want to highlight the spoilers, but I can't D:
Better get reading! :D
It's great so far. I also got Into The Woods, and I only looked at the title page.

The only words I saw in the last spoiler were "nooo blackstar."
Okay, so in a fit of anger in which I sent a very long and angry rant to Flametail, I must ask a question of the Warriors fandom here.

But first, the background:
Both Flametail and I have extremely strong opinions, but because we're both normally pretty shy (me not so much as her, though) on Wands and Worlds (or perhaps it's fear of being banned?) we end up having these emotions bottled up until we explode into a huge long rant about what the hell is wrong with the Warriors fandom at whatever place we happen to be ranting at.

This time, it's Wands and Worlds. Now, normally I like that place, but as time has gone on the members there have grown awfully close-minded and extremely upfront about their opinions (which leads me to think "how the hell do you still like Warriors, if nearly /everything/ about it sucks in your eyes?"), and we... don't want to do anything about it for fear of being banned (there's a lot less tolerance for debate/arguments at Wands and Worlds than there is here; and besides, the people there are - in a sense of the word - my friends, because the community is a lot... closer than here, from my experience). So a few days ago, in a fit of bottled-up anger, I posted a message basically announcing my leave due to conflict and the fact that despite the friends I've made there I'm pretty secluded socially, leading me to be more loyal to my beliefs than my friends (except Flametail, but we share the same opinions so that's never an issue). Yeah.
I go there a couple times each day - logged out - to see what's going on, and I saw something today that pushed me over the edge.

First you should know just /what/ the conflicting topics are:
-A belief that outsiders shouldn't be taken into the Clan, and if they are, they're still not Clan cats and don't contribute anything to the Clan
-LeafxJay theory, which always causes conflict (and is actually forbidden from discussion there due to arguments - before you ask "who the hell still believes that the three /aren't/ their kits", the answer is... me)
-The new names (Willowshine, Poppyfrost, Honeyfern, Eclipse characters and Birchfall) all suck ass
-The book quality is going downhill
-Firestar's getting all "insane" for lack of a better word (people are waiting for him to die)
-General hatred of a majority of characters

What are your opinions on the above topics? The only reason Flametail and I fled here instead of leaving the 'net entirely after leaving Wands and Worlds is because you guys are a lot more open-minded and less disrespectful to opinions (am I a hypocrite for this?) and the series itself, but I still want to hear your thoughts.

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