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Warriors Fan Club

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I wasn't aware of that!o.o Then how about a.. um...*thinks hard* hmm... LionXLeaf? Please correct me if they are also related.XP

Hey, how was I supposed to know she hadn't read FQ yet? >.>

How could I have read it if I haven't read Rising Storm yet...?o.o
Yay! 8D

I hope it catches on, it sounds like a cute couple! And it's pure crack!(crack ftw!=DDD)

I'm putting it into my story, but only hinted until the end! Oops, I posted that, didn't I? Meh, at least it's in spoiler tags...^^
I contribute SandxRaven to the crack pairings. ^__^

xDDD Teh crackships are <3.

Hmm. We need one of these for Warriors. Now if only we had any idea how to make it. xD

That would be the loveliest thing ever <3 I might bug the person for the code if I had any clue how to contact them... and any clue how to code webpages. (DrewxLotta, really? xD)
I was reading it when my mom interrupted, demanding to use the computer. Now I'm too lazy to finish it D=

But I did finish A Dangerous Path! =D
Chapter 24 = <3

I loved Bluestar to pieces, but I was actually impatient for the moment when she died. I wanted Fireheart - er, Firestar - to be the leader. And he finally told Sandstorm that he loves her! =DDD
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