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Warriors Fan Club

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Didn't see that coming.
>O Leafy, I was gonna post teh transcript!

;~; ADP is so saaad~! But now you get to read The Darkest Hour, Dawnwish, which is the most awesomely epic book everz. |D I've read it seven times and counting, and can recite the following quote from memory and memory alone:

"And the cats of StarClan came stalking down the sky. Frost sparkled at their paws and glittered in their eyes. Their pelts were white flame. They carried the scent of ice and fire and the wild places of the night." -TDH, page 46

Oh, and Flora and Ashes,
It was hinted at in TRoS that they were related, but it's actually quite impossible considering the timeline. xDx

Hmm, a fanfic about those two ending up in the other's position would be win.
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I haven't bought it yet ;~;
But I will, and soon. My mom has been lazy the past couple of days, though, so it'll take some persuading. But I'll get it... >=D
Hey, do you guys want forums for your website after you convert, because I could hook you up.

So, wait...Shadowstar, you don't have Rising Storm? What about A Dangerous Path and The Darkest Hour?
I have a question. Does anyone know where the northern and eastern borders of ShadowClan territory end? According to the original locations, as in the first series, by the way. I know the southern border all the way to the western border (probably also the northwest border, considering how the map in the books is tilted) ends at the Thunderpath, but...yeah. Help please?
I have a question. Does anyone know where the northern and eastern borders of ShadowClan territory end? According to the original locations, as in the first series, by the way. I know the southern border all the way to the western border (probably also the northwest border, considering how the map in the books is tilted) ends at the Thunderpath, but...yeah. Help please?

To be honest I'm not exactly sure where any territory ends due to conflicting places in the books and a slightly messed-up map, but I would assume they ended around the edge of the map page, or perhaps a little less...
So, since we're not sure, and I really need detailed descriptions of the ShadowClan borders, do you think it'd be okay if I made up the north-eastern borders?

EDIT: Also, one moon is equal to one month, correct?
So, since we're not sure, and I really need detailed descriptions of the ShadowClan borders, do you think it'd be okay if I made up the north-eastern borders?

EDIT: Also, one moon is equal to one month, correct?
Yeah, that's fine. 8D

And yes, a moon is approximately one month.
Oh, thanks so much!
And now to bombard you with some more questions...

1) When do medicine cats announce their apprentices to StarClan at the Moonstone? Half moon, was it? Or crescent? Also, they only choose an apprentice when they feel they are growing old and unable to carry out their job entirely?
2) When a medicine cat apprentice is ready to become the Clan's full-fledged medicine cat, they travel on their own to the Moonstone during the new moon? Is that a meeting for all medicine cats, regardless of their Clan or status? If so, when does the vigil/whatever end?

3) Approximately how many moons do apprentices usually stay in training until they become warriors?
4) If both the leader and deputy die at the same time, or in the same battle, the entire Clan must agree on the new leader? Then how is the deputy chosen, also by Clan, or appointed by the new leader?

5) How common are hawks/owls/other birds of prey in the woods that belong to ThunderClan? Are they more common or less common in other Clan territories?

Sorry if I'm getting annoying, but I want to make sure I have everything right before writing too much of my fic. I'm still not even half-done with the first chapter =(
Your site has the answers to some of my other questions anyway =P
1) Half-moon. They only ever meet at halfmoon, so it's logical. And they get an apprentice whenever they decide that a kit would fit as an apprentice (see: Cinderpelt and Leafpaw)

2) I always thought that a fully-fledged medicine cat would go to the Moonstone as soon as the old medicine cat had died or it was bad luck or something. It finishes whenever their ceremony finishes.

3) Around six or seven, although it depends on the apprentice's skills.

4) The Clan would probably choose a leader, then the leader would pick the deputy.

5) Not too common; they only appear in areas where there's little covering for the cats to hide.
All right, thanks! =D

Two more things for now...

1) The Burnt Sycamore is that little dead-looking tree on the map in the books? The one about halfway between the ShadowClan camp and the southern Thunderpath border, I mean.
2) What's the ShadowClan camp like? If Leafpool or Flametail get to my question first, is the way you describe it on your site the way the original camp was, or the one by the lake?
2) When a medicine cat apprentice is ready to become the Clan's full-fledged medicine cat, they travel on their own to the Moonstone during the new moon? Is that a meeting for all medicine cats, regardless of their Clan or status? If so, when does the vigil/whatever end?

When a medicine cat apprentice is deemed worthy to be a full-fledged medicine cat (normally around the time they'd become a warrior, but it seems like always it's a little later), the mentor medicine cat takes them to the Moonstone on a normal half-moon and gives them their warrior name. Even after receiving their name, the younger medicine cat remains the older one's apprentice until the older one dies, at which point the younger one becomes the official Clan medicine cat and can take apprentices of his/her own. Sometimes it happens that an older medicine cat dies before the younger medicine cat becomes the full-fledged medicine cat (as in Rising Storm), in which case the younger medicine cat would go alone to the Moonstone and get recognized alone.

The first series seems to contain a lot more initiations than the second, for some odd reason. The second had two, maybe three ceremonies: one for becoming an apprentice, one for a medicine cat name and possibly one to get officially recognized (though I don't remember if they did that one or not).

Melodic Harmony said:
The Burnt Sycamore is that little dead-looking tree on the map in the books? The one about halfway between the ShadowClan camp and the southern Thunderpath border, I mean.
Yes, that's the Burnt Sycamore.
All right, thanks! =D
Oh, and I understand how the territories are described on your site now. Thanks so much for your help guys! <3
Awww...so those first three books are all that you've read from Warriors?
That's a shame...the books only get better as the series goes on. I'm dying to get The Darkest Hour already.

Just as a warning...if you tend to get too attached to the characters, Rising Storm and Dangerous Path will just break your heart ;~;
I've heard some pretty tragic things about The Darkest Hour, too.
Awww...so those first three books are all that you've read from Warriors?
That's a shame...the books only get better as the series goes on. I'm dying to get The Darkest Hour already.

Just as a warning...if you tend to get too attached to the characters, Rising Storm and Dangerous Path will just break your heart ;~;
I've heard some pretty tragic things about The Darkest Hour, too.

Blame my StarClan forsaken lazy mom, last week she prmised to get it this week, this week she promised to get it next week. I WANT IT NOW!(But somehow I get the feeling she's putting it off until my b-day...)
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