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Warriors Fan Club

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The one in my sig.

*pokes Flametail* Yes, they are quite the opposite of our beliefs, aren't they? ;)

But they're still cool anyway. *pokes Tawnypelt*
*pokes Flametail* Yes, they are quite the opposite of our beliefs, aren't they? ;)

But they're still cool anyway. *pokes Tawnypelt*

*joins in poking*

Ash used to be Mudwind, then it changed to something else...I'll go figure it out.
Yeah, even though I'm not particularly fond of the current ShadowClan, I can imagine them being super awesome at some point. 'Sides, they have some cats that are <3. Tawnypelt and kits, Littlecloud, Runningnose, Russetfur (the sarcasm, anyway), Raggedstar...
Shame, I liked Cruel Season.

I'm Spottedpath (argh seriously what) of ShadowClan this time. =D I like ShadowClan the best, so that's coolbeans with me.
Ones that aren't in my sig:

Fireheart x Graystripe = Friendshipping
Crowfeather x Nightcloud = Shotgunshipping
Icepaw x Lionpaw = Sorbetshipping
Icepaw x Whitewing = Angelshipping
Hawkfrost x Brambleclaw = Brothershipping
Tigerclaw x Darkstripe = Deathshipping
Scourge x Sandstorm = Devilshipping
Barley x Ravenpaw = Lonershipping
Whitewing x Lionpaw = Popcornshipping
Cinderpaw x Hollypaw = Recycleshipping
Russetfur x Blackstar = Shadowshipping
Squirrelflight x Daisy = Typoshipping
Tawnypelt x Blackstar = Halloweenshipping

The ones in bold make me giggle. :3

Oh yeah. And I'm Hawkclaw of WindClan. Yes. That's it.
I wanted to see what my friends on other websites were, so I'll post their names.
Bramblepath~my little cousin Jay
Scarface XD~Male Vulpix
Fuzzypath XD~Gavin

I'm going crazy with that name thing :D.
Hmm, looking at the warrior names you get from the generator, what do you think your Tribe of Rushing Water name would be?

I'd be... Path Where Dappled Sunlight Falls [Path], I think. :3
Despite the fact that Raintalon hardly makes any sense as a warrior name to begin with...

Prolly something like Rain That Falls On Talon. xD
Thorn That Gleams Like Star

Or something like that :3

Of course, my new name is Thornnose, but that's just retarded :P

Nose Full of Thorns anyone?
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