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Warriors Fan Club

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Quality, not quantity, right?
Either way, I figured out that a page in my notebook is only about 5-10 lines (in MS Word) more than a page in a Warriors book depending on how big I write =]
So...I'm no good at filler details unless I go way off track and use a huge paragraph to describe just about everyone and everything upon its first entrance. Which, I feel, ruins the atmosphere - Warriors books aren't nearly as descriptive as I usually am when randomly writing for my own gain...so I feel as though I should cut back on my description to try to imitate the air of a Warriors book.
Or should I just write whatever way I'm most comfortable?
Ugh I wish my ideas could just write themselves in my notebook...

~Until next time
I'm halfway through Po3. :D

IT WAS EPIC! I'm glad that the Tribe and Clans taught the New Comers/ Intruders a lesson. However I think the Tribe should make their own code instead of following StarClan's Warrior Code (To my understanding). The Tribe of Endless Hunting is NOT StarClan, so why use their code? Oh my they're plagiarists! StarClan should sue! *shot to death*

Anyway, I'll be gettin' Eclipse when it's out in paperback because UGH HARDCOVER IS SO EXPENSIVE AT B&N. It hurts. ;_; Then again Warriors books themselves are seven dollars on average. :D; ANYWAY, out of PURE BOREDOM, I have developed a random theory that will most likely be made into YET ANOTHER story that I'll never finish for lack of motivation

Okay, so because my brain made the sense that the Tribe was now using the Warrior Code, does that mean maybe the Tribe of Endless Hunting, seeing as they're the Tribe's version of StarClan, maybe StarClan and the Tribe of Endless Hunting have gatherings like the Clans do in the waking world?

I mean, my system of thinking makes it make sense is the two "heavens" of the Warriors world followed the code, too. And the code says that there is a gathering every full moon. So if the Tribe of Endless Hunting and StarClan follow the same code (to my understanding), why not? I don't think it makes very much sense if StarClan doesn't follow the same rules the living cats do. Again, this is based on my understanding of things and is no way to be taken seriously... Unless you want to.

So, i have exausted my Warriors-related things-to-post-here. So I'll just post this reply. :P *clicks the post button*
Random PM I sent to Flametail.

It's a comparison of the first series style and the third series style, since the back of Smoke Mountain has a BP excerpt written totally in third-series style. The difference listed is how it is in the third series.

Agree? Disagree? Something to add?

-More medicine cat interactivity. Don't give me "it's because Jayfeather's there" crap; even without him there's still more interactivity. When was the last time Spottedleaf treated a battle wound? Yeah, thought not. There's treatment for almost every severe wound given in Po3, even the ones against dogs. In the first series battle treatments aren't often given. I might be thinking differently because of Jayfeather, but...
-More... interaction. I'm not sure directly how to phrase this... here's my attempt. Fireheart hardly had a normal patrol at any point in the first series. Normal patrols happen all the time in Po3.
-Different apprentice rules. Firepaw was set a solo task in ItW, as were Graypaw and Ravenpaw. No apprentice, or even warrior, are set solo tasks in Po3. Additionally, someone in the Clan trusted Graypaw enough to send him to meet Bluestar's patrol.
-Slightly stricter patrols. Ravenpaw was not noticed coming back with a snake from ShadowClan territory. Any patrol that was anywhere near the area would have noticed, and I'm sure the patrols weren't so badly done that there would never have been anybody over there. "Hey, what's Ravenpaw's scent doing over there...?"
-More younger-cat interaction. Ever see Fireheart playing or trying to 'socialize' with kits or apprentices? Before you say "what that never happens", think Foxpaw/Icepaw/Flamepaw/Tigerpaw/Dawnpaw. Yeah.
-Moar messed-up conflicts. All four Clans battle on ThunderClan's territory. All four Clans battled on WindClan's territory in Fire and Ice. In Eclipse they act like it's a completely new thing.
-More warrior-code... um, recognition? "He knows the warrior code by heart..." about Tigerstar; who would expect any cat not to? In the first book, WindClan is driven from their territory and RiverClan gives hunting rights to ShadowClan. Think about all the tenseness about battles and RiverClan problems in DR. I'm not sure quite how to explain it, but... it's just different.
-Bigger patrols. I doubt this needs to be explained.
-More involved patrols. In the third series you hear the commands being given and the cats leaving and everything and get a better sense of what's going on outside the camp. Again, not too sure how to explain it...
-More involved battles. Twice in ItW, a ThunderClan patrol fights a RiverClan patrol. Unless none of those cats had time to run for help, shouldn't another patrol have entered the battle?
-More romance. And with the romance there is, it's less serious "for life" romance. Name me a cat that was in love with one cat in the first series and then fell in love with another, in the same series, while falling out of love with the first, and you win cookies.
-More... um... lightheartedness? Cats are less serious, more willing to joke around and play. This one's really heard to describe. It just ~is~. Maybe it was just Firestar in the first series being all serious, but...
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-More romance. And with the romance there is, it's less serious "for life" romance. Name me a cat that was in love with one cat in the first series and then fell in love with another, in the same series, while falling out of love with the first, and you win cookies.

Graystripe? :D
Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

I am stumped and stupid because I cannot answer that question.

The only answer I can think of is Fireheart, but that still doesn't work because he only gave up on her for
Sandstorm due to her being dead.
Any of you ever seen 101 Dalmatians, the animated version? You know when the puppies are all sitting in the barn/wherever after Perdy and Pongo rescue them? One of them says about Cruella something along the lines of "They said they were going to take us and... and skin us!" Every time I see Tigerpaw, Flamepaw and Dawnpaw in Long Shadows I cannot help but think they're all talking in the same voice as that one puppy. "But now... now we don't even have mentors anymore!" "Mother, that fern dripped water all the way down my neck!" <33333
There is no answer. And I just got done reading Sunrise, after reading it all day at school and for the past four hours or so.
I have to say that I was very disappointed at how Crowfeather and Leafpool being Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf's parents was revealed. Also, why did Hollyleaf spill the secret she worked so hard to keep?
Because Hollyleaf went BATSHIT INSAAAANE And we're loving it. But she had to die DDD:

HAven't seen you all in a.. page. :DD
^Not me. I hated it. Hollyleaf was my favorite of the three in the beginning and I hated Jayfeather, then I liked Jayfeather more and hated Lionblaze more, but in the end I ended up liking Jayfeather the best, then Lionblaze, then Hollyleaf. Except for the fact that when Hollyleaf died all Jayfeather was obsessed with was the prophecy.
I actually thought Outcast was the worst book in the Po3 series, but I don't care for the tribe much. :/ Anyway, it's necessary to the plot to bring Dark River and Eclipse together.
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