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What are you reading?

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I'm a moron and don't understand that chart in the slightest. Explain the scoring thing to me, please?

And, opal, loads of those books fall into more than one category; Running with Scissors and The Color Purple are both autobiographical, but are classed as Dystopian and "African American" respectively. I'd have put Life of Pi firmly in the "Contemporary Literature" category, and I'd love to know why Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights are Classics, but Pride and Prejudice is only worthy of Chick Lit.
I'm a moron and don't understand that chart in the slightest. Explain the scoring thing to me, please?

yeah I have no idea what is up with it either

And, opal, loads of those books fall into more than one category; Running with Scissors and The Color Purple are both autobiographical, but are classed as Dystopian and "African American" respectively. I'd have put Life of Pi firmly in the "Contemporary Literature" category, and I'd love to know why Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights are Classics, but Pride and Prejudice is only worthy of Chick Lit.

none of those are as ridiculous as calling Lolita erotica, though :(
I'm a moron and don't understand that chart in the slightest. Explain the scoring thing to me, please?

an SAT is scored between 600 and 2400 points and is divided into three sections: math, writing, and reading. why the chart stops in the 1400s, i don't know. then again, they only added the writing in 2006; there might be some college students who didn't have a writing portion on their SAT still. anyway, an 800 means a relatively low score, while a 1400 (out of 1600 i guess) would be a pretty high one.

i can't speak for lolita as erotica. i know that it involves a sexual relationship between a man and a twelve-year-old girl, but i am sure there is more to it than that. i have it on my shelf to read; unfortunately, i have six more books to read before i get to it.
Currently reading Gorky Park by Martin Cruz Smith. Next in my queue are Trinity and 2001: A Space Odyssey, by Leon Uris and Arthur C. Clarke, respectively.
The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins. It is very enlightening; it might be my favorite of his books now. Or perhaps after The Ancestor's Tale, if only because there was so much in the latter.
The 48 Laws of Power

hehehe it's this book that this communist kid at my school told me about. it tells you all about how to be powerful

that chart's just fucked up, fucking Harry Potter of all things is higher than Fahrenheit 451, A Separate Peace, and Hamlet? The Giver (a story I read in 7th grade, and even then it was piss easy to understand) scores higher than Wuthering Heights (12th grade reading material that I have difficulty understanding, and given that I got a 730 in SAT reading that says something)

Not to mention it's repetitive in some areas (you can find "The Bible" scored at 1050 and then "The Holy Bible" scored at 900; "Hamlet" is between 1000 and 1050 but "Shakespeare" is between 1050 and 1150; and there's probably more than that but I don't care to look)

And finally, "I Dont [sic] Read" means you would score 950. True, if you didn't read you probably don't have any hope of scoring high on any test; but then they rate F451 (a good book, in my humble opinion) under that.

Well, huh. Maybe if I didn't read F451 I would have gotten a perfect SAT score. Damn you, Bradbury!
oh man, is this the same guy that did Music That Makes You Dumb?

Sufjan Stevens was the highest... and Lil Wayne was the lowest.
The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins. It is very enlightening; it might be my favorite of his books now. Or perhaps after The Ancestor's Tale, if only because there was so much in the latter.

yeah, Ancestor's Tale is what I tell people if they ask me for the one Dawkins book they should read, just because it covers so many fascinating things.
oh man, is this the same guy that did Music That Makes You Dumb?

Sufjan Stevens was the highest... and Lil Wayne was the lowest.

yeah, it's the same guy. i think he did this one first.

onto reading, i finished one flew over the cuckoo's nest in the morning after a physics test. i thought the ending was kind of shocking!

i will probably start cat's cradle tonight.
I'm on part 3 of the V for Vendetta graphic novel and I absolutely love it. The film adaptation is one of my all-time favourite movies, so I was expecting it to be good but it's just fantastic.
And I wish they hadn't taken out all the cool references to things in the movie; I was absolutely thrilled by V reading Enid Blyton's Magic Faraway Tree, and the Botanist-Doctor-lady discussing Milgram's obedience to authority study.
The film does have considerably more Stephen Fry, though. Swings and roundabouts, I guess.
Since i've been grounded i've been stuck with books, damn good ones too.

Torchwood: Skypoint

Corner of the Eye by Steven Moffat

The Great Space Opera

Darren Shan: Cirque du Freak, Trials of Death & Wolf Island
i finished cat's cradle and started a scanner darkly. i decided that i wanted to restart it. i love philip k. dick's prose, but i can't say that i know as much of what's going on as i should.
Finished Duma Key on Friday, it's really cool. I'll efinitely be reading more Stephen King than I have up till now.
Bought and finished The Boy in the Dress on Saturday. It was really cute and pretty funny, I liked it. Was expecting worse since it's written by David Walliams :v
Trying to finish Talking With Serial Killers before continuing with Cuckoo's Nest.
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