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What are you reading?

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I've taken a break from reading everything I need to for school and such and just decided to read Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. I've read it before and liked it. It's just as good the second time.
Read The Gunslinger in one sitting early this morning. It was... not what I expected.

Now I am between books again.
Just out of curiosity, what did you think of it? The fact that you finished it in one sitting would seem to indicate that you at least found it to be a page-turner, but I'm not sure if "not what you expected" is good or bad.
So, right now I'm reading Faeries of Dreamdark: Blackbringer by Laini Taylor, Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer, and Inkspell by Cornelia Funke. Inkspell I'm not really reading right now; it's sitting on my bookshelf with a bookmark in it, pretty much untouched since I got hooked on Blackbringer and Eclipse. xD But it won't be hard to get back into it.

And I still have a humongous to-read list, including but not limited to:

-The Warrior Heir by Cinda Williams Chima
-Above the Veil by Garth Nix (plus sequels)
-Among the Betrayed by Margarette Peterson Haddix (plus sequels)
-Snakecharm by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes (plus sequels)
-Long Shadows by Erin Hunter
-Brisingr by Christopher Paolini
Right now, I'm expected to get a book called "The Gun Seller" from my cousin. He said the author's really good. Never heard of the book or the authour, but I just wanna see what I get, I s'pose.
Attempting to READ Twilight(oh the horror) to see if it's as bad as everyone says it is, so far it is not pleasing me the slightest.
i'm reading a clockwork orange again. the first two chapters were kind of a struggle, but moreso because i was surprised i remembered so much after putting it down four months ago.

out of curiosity, has anyone here read the picture of dorian gray? was it any good? i'm wondering if i should read oscar wilde's works.
I'm reading Lost Souls by Joseph Lidster. Not exactly a unique title but hey.
i finished a clockwork orange during second block today. (and when second block started i was only fifty pages in. i'm surprised i could read that much in ninety minutes!)

my english teacher is letting me borrow the importance of being earnest by oscar wilde, so that'll probably last me through tonight.
Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight-a classic if you like D&D style fantasy stories (but there was enough background for me, a non-tabletop player, to understand the world and the beings in it)
I ditched Lost Souls after a completely fucked up finale.

I'm reading Torchwood: Skypoint

Why? I dunno.
YES YOU HAVE. The Gun Seller's by Hugh Laurie, a.k.a House! :O

It's a really good book, trust me :3

No WONDER he kept asking me about the book everytime I watched an episode! *facepalms for not figuring it out*
I'm getting it at around the end of the month. Meanwhile, I am reading these three books:
Re-reading Martyn Pig by Kevin Brooks
A High Wind In Jamaica by Richard Hughes
The Death of Jericho by Colin Dexter.
my english teacher is letting me borrow the importance of being earnest by oscar wilde, so that'll probably last me through tonight.

i finished it about 45 minutes ago. nice characters, cool ending, totally unexpected, i enjoyed it more than i expected. i'll definitely go out and buy the picture of dorian gray in the future.

but for now, i have j.d. salinger's franny and zooey waiting for me on the shelf.
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