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What are you reading?

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Well, then again, it could be the Reduced Shakespeare Company's version. *too lazy to link*


Now, I know that version off by heart. I've seen it performed about fifteen times (and been pulled on stage to be Ophelia!), and I've seen the DVD about a bazillion. Thanks to it, I know the Piece of Work speech by heart and guh, it's so, so good.

"It is I, Omlet, the Cheese Danish!" Love it. <3

I finally got around to reading The Color Purple by Alice Walker. It's sad ):
I'm reading To Kill or Cure by Susanna Gregory. I've almost finished it. <3 medieval crime fiction set in late 1350s Cambridge at the university.
Oh man reduced shakespeare company. We watched the complete works of shakespeare abridged in drama one year. The Othello rap killed me dead. (also otherwise I hate shakespeare.)


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by rowling of course

Not Just a Witch by Eva Ibbotson

How to Dunk a Doughnut by Len Fisher
The Amazing Maurice And His Educated Rodents by T. Pratchett

Simply Einstein by Richard Wolfson
I'm reading five books at the same time. Some of which are for school.

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. I'm not particularly found of it. Mostly because I have to read for English and it is not the type of book I usually like to read. And it's kind of boring.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Another book for English. We are about to finish this one up though. It's really good.
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. This one is for a book club I am considering joining. I haven't gotten very far in it though. I've liked some of Jane Austen's other works though.
Born to Rock by Gordon Korman. I have yet to start this one, but I've heard it's good. It's for a different book club.
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. This is a book I've really enjoyed so far. Unfortunately, I probably won't finish it until around May because it's the only book on this list I don't have a particular reason for reading except that I've heard it was good and interesting from various people and I want to read it.
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. This is a book I've really enjoyed so far. Unfortunately, I probably won't finish it until around May because it's the only book on this list I don't have a particular reason for reading except that I've heard it was good and interesting from various people and I want to read it.

Isn't that one of the published NaNos?
Sins of the Fathers by Scott Grey
Bad Blood by Scott Grey

Hes a good writer.
Isn't that one of the published NaNos?

I have no idea. If it is, then that's awesome because the college level American History class (or the college level English class one or the other) read it for their class. So if it was, that would be really awesome.
Just finished 120 Days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade.
It's, um. Something. Don't read it.

Right now I'm at the start of Duma Key (Stephen King) and it's been enjoyable so-far.
I'm almost finished reading Albert Camus's The Plague. It's pretty good stuff, imo; much more readable than The Outsider.

After I'm done with that, I'll start reading The Master and Margarita, by Mikhail Bulgakov. It sounds like it'll be good. Anything involving Satan is fun. :D

Aaaand at some point in the near future I hope to read Walter Miller's A Canticle for Leibowitz. Unfortunately, I'm an extremely slow reader, so I probably won't finish The Master and Margarita for a while. ):
I finished Bad Blood, wierd ending.

I'm now reading Bethronal by the same author.
Cause he had a big - SWORD!

I almost died laughing.

XDD I love it. The Othello rap is amazing, but I think Romeo and Juliet ("a nose by any other name could still... smell") and Hamlet (because you really can't get better than a guy dressed as a woman drowning backwards) are the best.

Have you seen any of their other shows? I can't recommend The Complete Bible (abridged) or All The Great Books (abridged) enough. They've also done The Complete History of America (abridged), which I've seen the DVD of, but I know very little about US history, so I felt like I missed a lot of the jokes.

And I'm reading The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger. It's a lot more chick-lit-y than the stuff I'm used to reading, but there is some epic subtext going on between Andy and Miranda, so it's all good (my god I'm shallow).
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Just finished 1984. It was... rather frightening.

Reading Hamlet for English.

Can't choose between The World According to Garp or The Andromeda Strain to read next. :/ any suggestions?
I'm being 'Forced' to read Twilight again. -_-;;

But the book that I really like which I am currently reading at the moment is The Book Thief. I read to read it for my English exam...
I've discovered Terry Pratchett, and, as soon as I can find a decent bookstore, I will probably splurge on it. At the moment, I'm reading the only new book I can get my hands on, which is Wintersmith.
Read The Gunslinger in one sitting early this morning. It was... not what I expected.

Now I am between books again.
Moved onto Goblet of Fire a while ago. I take forever. Also I finished Island of the Aunts the other day.
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