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What do you think of fellow forumgoers

mukuro/america would never work

what with the
and the

just no

(surskitty/tailsy is questionable but probably not crack)
[wet her pants a little.]

dmitri i thought we agreed you wouldn't come on here man, that's not cool

meet me in my office in ten minutes and i'll show you what happens when you don't obey

ps: keep your faggy american and british music down god
dmitri i thought we agreed you wouldn't come on here man, that's not cool

meet me in my office in ten minutes and i'll show you what happens when you don't obey

ps: keep your faggy american and british music down god

Hey now, I'm pressy. Not you. But sure, I'll turn the volume down a bit. Just a bit.
I'll just go through my friends list, I guess.

  • Dark Shocktail: I'll put her first because I have so much to say about her. I seriously have no idea where to start with Mil. She's a smart, sweet, kind, thoughtful, funny, considerate, wise, [insert 300 other positive adjectives here], amazing girl. Ever since I met her about a year and a half ago on the Marriland Forums we've been inseparable. She's always there for me, whether I want advice, sprite comic help or just to chat endlessly. I could pretty much go on forever, so I'll just say she's absolutely the best friend ever and she means the world to me and stop talking ^.^;;
  • Arylett Dawnsborough: Her Royal Arylettness is pretty fun to be random with via visitor messaging =D ...and I've just realised how little I really know her. Some proper, serious conversations are in order methinks. XD
  • Bonkenhi: I don't quite know Bonki too well just yet, but he's quite an insane/fun guy =D
  • crazyrockboy: He's been my friend for 5/6 years now, and is a pretty good guy. Fun to abuse be with and occasionally humourous. I rarely see him offline now he goes to a different school, but we still talk sometimes online.
  • Dannichu: Another person I don't know as well as I'd like to... she seems quite a nice person, and her drawings are out of this world.
  • Flazeah: Again, we're not very well acquainted (possibly since she so rarely seems to be on) but she also appears to be quite nice.
  • Flora and Ashes: My awesome little sister in spirit (apparently XD). Again, a very nice person, always fun to talk to. Though she probably thinks I'm a complete lunatic. XD
  • L'il Dwagie: I ish her chew toy :3 Anyway, her insanity can be amusing, and she's entirely dependent on chewing my ears, which she's forced to share with Milla. I have no objecton. X3
  • Murkrow: My constant partner in pointlessness. Without him I'd never be able to post our endless drivel which it shouldn't be legal to call "conversation". XD
  • PurelyAmazing: A good friend on Marr, and always a welcome member at the CB there. She's always fun to chat to, and together we discovered where babies are from (they grow on trees). I call her Barney. Don't ask.
  • Sir Lucario: He's a huge fan of Lucario... that's about all we became friends for, I think. XD Essentially a nice guy, he can fly off the handle a little when he's annoyed or people question his opinions and beliefs too harshly.
  • theinsanething: He can be quite stroppy and hotheaded at times, but is funny and friendly at others. Altogether a pretty OK guy. To this day I'm not sure if he likes me, or just considers me an annoying freak. XD
  • Zephyrous Castform: My oldest tCoD friend (except the one person who'd talk to me on my first visit... but I don't remember her name and I'm pretty sure she's not around any more =o). Nice, funny, fun to talk to, blah blah blah =)
  • Zim Del Invasor: He liked my sprite comic so much he made a trophy for it specially, which makes him great in his own right. XD I'll get to know him better and come back to you, 'K?

I'm not sure anyone else stands out especially, and there's nobody here I have problems with... you're all pretty awesome people. *hands cookies around*
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