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What do you think of fellow forumgoers

Oh come on this is a forum for christ sakes and some of you overreact as if someone just said something unspeakable .

Why so serious but of cource if the typings readable then I like that.
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You just came into this thread and brought up that whole grammar thing again, even though we've all stopped caring a long time ago, and then started complaining about it all over again. Do you enjoy digging holes for yourself?
Oh come on this is a forum for christ sakes and some of you overact time I just said something unspeakable .

Why so serious but of cource if the typings readable then I like that.
Aw, and here I was getting my hopes up.

I had to scan through this message three times to completely understand it.
Oh come on this is a forum for christ sakes and some of you overact time I just said something unspeakable .

Why so serious but of cource if the typings readable then I like that.

Why do you dig your own ban grave? I'm serious, stop posting if you can't type in a readable manner.
Aw, and here I was getting my hopes up.

I had to scan through this message three times to completely understand it.

you got to it before I did

which is good because if I get around to yelling it'll fail quicker than you can say "BAND"

anyway Jetx is pretty cool
that depends if she's shipping Jetx and Espeon or Jetx and me in which case I will have to protest despite liking him!
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