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Currently playing:
- Megaman 4, god is it hard, I still can't beat Brightman's stage, and the only Robot master I've defeated is Toadman who was easy once I got the hang on how to avoid him. That said, it's great fun.
On Friday I'll get Klonoa Wii and Pokémon Platinum, hurrah.
No offense, but am I seriously the only one here who doesn't find any of the Mega Man games difficult?
It'syour faultbecause of you I'm interested in that game.
And I might find Megaman 4 because I've played it for less then 5 hours or something, but I'll get the hang of it eventually.
Haha, sorry, it's just so awesome. The games themselves are easy, but the characters are great, and the stories are really good, and tend to be a bit on the emotional side.
Plus, buying Klonoa for the Wii will bring us one step closer to the 2 things I want most; The producer of the series said if it Klonoa Wii sells well enough in Japan and America, the team would remake Klonoa 2 for the Wii, and finally a Klonoa 3 =D
Yeah, don't worry, you'll eventually get the hang of it. I generally always suck at a new Megaman game the first day I get it, but that's generally how long it takes for me to break into a new one. After playing a ton of Megaman, you'll eventually find it so easy that you may or may not just start playing with the Buster alone xD
and then look forward to a Klonoa 2 remake and Klonoa 3.
Oh, dude, don't just wait for Klonoa 2. You gotta see if you can find the PS2 version too! (If you have a PS2 though >.>)