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What Games Are You Playing?

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I bought a megadrive from Game today for £20 and got a enormous 40 game collection! ^^

I also bought Kid Icarus & Earthworm Jim from the wii's virtual console-thingy
Ah, I was thinking of getting Disgaea... I take it it's really good?

it's an SRPG with oodles of depth all over the place. you have to be into the gameplay, as it's driven by the gameplay more than the story. if you can take the gameplay, the rest of the game is just so likeable. i'm sure i'm not the only one who would recommend it.
Started playing Symphony of the Night, for the umpteenth time, as well as the two easiest Metroidvania games ever, Aria of Sorrow, and Dawn of Sorrow, alongside it for the hundreth time. I'm also slowly working on getting through the Munitions Warehouse, Germany stage on Expert in Bloodlines with Eric.

<3 my Castlevania.
We beat (God stupid keyboard why do you always turn beat into eat?) Tales of Vesperia the other day, and now my sister's doing Extra New Game. I'm helping. ^^
Short story: I got stuck in Exit Fate and had a save file where I couldn't go back and prepare more for the boss fight I was stuck on. Was planning to wait for my brother to play so I could take his save file, but now I'm just playing it again myself because I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO DANIEL DAMMIT DX

So yeah. <33333
Still haven't beaten Mega Man 2, but I'm going ahead and playing MM3.

I can't stop whistling that little Protoman tune now...
Cool. Thats actually good price, I might get one, did you get Sonic Chaos?
Sonic Chaos was a Master System game.

Anyways, I finally got another VMU, and I got my hands on both Evolution games for the Dreamcast, so now I started playing those, and Skies of Arcadia. I'm also playing the PSX version of Silhouette Mirage.
I'm playing Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon - Blue Rescue Team on DS

Apparently I'm a Torchic. I have a Mudkip as my little follower and a Magnemite and Ladyba as rescue team members.

I'm also playing Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. Damn Carpe Retractum!
My copy of Tales of Innocence for the DS finally came in the mail yesterday. So now I'm playing 2D fighter esque RPGs with giant swords, twin pistols, rifles, scythes, and oh so many other awesome characters. Ruca certainly is a departure from your average RPG hero too... He's an honors student, and gets picked on by everyone else for that, and because he's so shy. I really like his opening battle quote too, "Kowakunai... Kowakunai!" ("I'm scared... What do I do?!", is about what it sums up to).

God damn you Namdai for having no interest in bringing this to the states.
Finished Exit Fate (so sad and so amazing at the same time!) and am now focusing on Disgaea DS. Also playing PW: T&T with my brother and finishing up TWEWY with my therapist~
Just got Crystal Defenders R1 for WiiWare. First good tower defense game I've played in... Ages... I also downloaded Breath of Fire 2 for VC, since I finished the original. Also started play Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time with my friend.
Still chipping away at Platinum-by the time I get to Cynthia I'm out of PP, dangit!!-and Rune Factory 2. It's a very amusing little game and the backgrounds are pretty.:talking:
I got Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia and Yoshi's Island (GBA) with my birthday money a couple days ago. I had to choose between YI and Sonic Battle... :<

I've got like 88 lives on YI and I'm not even halfway through the game. I haven't been replaying levels, either. x: I wonder if they made it easier?

Edit: Acuity, grow some Leppa Berries. :3 They're worth your time. Especially since you can't buy Ethers and Elixirs, I don't think... here may be a bitter version you can buy in Eterna, but yeah. Leppa berries are free and pretty cute lookin'.
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Got the Klonoa Wiimake, and Devil Summoner Raidou 2 (Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunouha vs King Abaddon). Both = sheer motherfucking awesome. Raidou 2 is 100x better than the first (Though, considering the first Raidou vs. game WAS an experiement... It was bound to be only decent).
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