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What is your favourite single Pokemon ever

Hmm, I dunno, it's such a hard decision... I mean, really, what Pokemon do I, Eeveelution, the girl obsessed with Eevee, like best? Oh! I know! Magikarp!![/sarcasm]

Obviously Eevee for me. I've loved it since I was a kid, and have been thoroughly obsessed with it through my whole life. (No, really, I'm about the same age as the Pokémon franchise, so I've loved it for a while.) I usually breed the original Eevee I get in games and evolve the younger generation of Eevee instead.

I think that I made my point. :sweatdrop:
Now that I think of it... I say every pokemon.
I like them all if they are drawn attractively. :P Though probopass and magmortar are on the hindside of my liking scale (but they can be awesome too!)
Heracross. No, before you say it, it's not because of that. It's because I am a big fan of Bug Pokemon and Heracross was one of the first good Bug Pokemon. Scizor, Forretress and Butterfree are cool too but I've always preferred Heracross.
Gallade,It got both mind and body,brains and bronze(if that how ya spell it)...
A great pokemon that can counter almost any type!

I'm not completely sure about this, since I've never heard the expression, but do you mean mind and body, brains and brawn? (Or brawns?)

Right now, I love Combusken. For no reason at the moment other than it's fun to draw.
As of last night, a few hours after I last posted here, it's Raticate that is my favorite. :D

Wurmple comes in close...

I'm so indecisive. :P
Lunatone is just... I don't even know why. Something about its grace, its elegance - It's just so ominous, and I'm really attracted to that as a trainer.
Gyarados. When I first got into Pokémon, I was playing Crystal, and for some reason I didn't want to go into Ilex Forest. I needed something to do, so I decided to evolve my Magikarp and spent hours grinding in the little patch of grass near Azalea Town. The Gyarados that resulted ended up with so many more levels than the rest of my team that I relied on it almost entirely to beat the remainder of the game. To my naïve self, it was the strongest Pokémon in existence. When I fought the red Gyarados in the Lake of Rage, I thought "Why do I need to catch this? The one I have here's awesome enough." That particular Gyarados will always be my favourite Pokémon. Always.

Oh yeah, and it KO'd Red's Pikachu (which was at a higher level than Gyarados, just to make the disadvantage worse) pretty much by itself, thereby winning me the game.
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