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What is your favourite single Pokemon ever

Just one? But I like all of them! =O

Well except Jynx of course.

xD ... Well, seriously, I can't just pick one... I'd have to say Sneasel/Weavile, Pikachu, Mudkip, Espeon, and Mawile.
Okay, changed my mind.

Staryu!! Since I had a dream that.... well, I'll just say I dreamed of a shiny one. :D


woo, the staryu line is my fav =3

But if I had to choose a single Pokemon it would be Starmie, the angular shape and purple colour was always more appealing to me

Shedinja <3

Ah, how can I not love it? :c
It's so crunchy. And has poké balls for eyes. And I love how the skin on its back is made to look like wings. And the halo is so ridiculously cheesy that it's wonderful.
Shedinja is bizarre.. it doesn't move or breathe.. it has 1HP and that weird ability, making it both useful and [mainly] useless in battles.
Its design is just fantastic.. and it's such a simple concept. When insects grow up and shed their skin, what shall we do with the skin? let's bloody well animate it.

so.. yeah.
other favourites are froslass and nidorino.
I don't know now, mix between Togekiss, Gardevoir, Drifblim and Lanturn. However, I have been having random obsessions with certain Pokemon which changes every now and then o_o
Wartortle. Reasons: It's blue (my favorite color), it's a Gen. 1 Pokémon (best generation ever), and, of course, it's a turtle, and who doesn't love turtles?
Runners-up are Dialga and Lapras (hence my username).
Re: What is your favourite single ever

Would have to say Origin Forme Giratina, not to mention the ass-kicking Distortion/Torn World it lives in!

Next in line are Normal Forme Giratina, Darkrai, and Milotic
Persian and Absol. Hence mah Persol. :o Espeon is also a #1.

Then in no particular order, Houndoom, Glameow and Purugly, Skitty and Delcatty, Blastoise, Toxicroak, Turtwig line, Buizel, Gastrodon, Gible line, Ninetales, Ampharos, Weavile, Treecko line, Salamence, and both Lati's.

... Yeah, I don't have any single favorite Pokemon. :3
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