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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What would you do, if..

Who would I visit? Hmm... Butterfree (that IS her name, right?), because she's the only member I know webmaster FTW!!!
I'd probably type in Mike's name just so I can hunt down and murder him if that's cool.

( <3 ya foxeh )
Anyway, either Mike or Dark Shocktail.. Er.. Don't really know anyone else here that well so.. yeah. Problem is deciding which one. D:
I'd politely decline the offer, and walk away. (Or decline the offer as I walk away)

I don't actually know anyone on here very well.
Also I'm very bad at communicating.
Hmm... Probably tell him to come back when the teleporter thing works for more than just one forum where I don't really know anyone.

Either that or put in the name of someone who'd probably be asleep at the time due to time-zone differences... then sneak out of their house (or wherever else they might be sleeping) and just wander around in some other state/country/etc. I've never been to for a few hours.
Zora. Then I'd wander off to go wreak havok on her hometown.

You are aware that if you were to suddenly appear behind me and start wreaking havoc on my house and neighborhood that I'd have to shoot you, right?
Either that or my little siblings would be too busy bugging you for you to do anything. >>

But either way good lord someone picked me I feel loved. ^^
I'll choose either Surskitty cause I love insanity, Midnight because he seems like a friendly person, and Butterfree for your obvious obligitory reasons.
Probably EeveeSkitty because she's the only person I really talk to on here...

I'd probably ask the dude if it worked for other forums before I said that though... Then I could go see Forest or Moose :D
Danni said:
I guess someone who I really like and also lives in a cool place I'd really like to visit... Butterfree, ultraviolet, FMC and Felidire jump to mind.
Me? :D?
Honestly if this happened I'd probably punch in 'Music Dragon', 'Dannichu' or 'Altmer'. Or 'ultraviolet' just to see what would happen.
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