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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What would you do, if..

Quick thinking Probably Mike just to see if hes that fun and loveable in real life, I really need someone like that...

But realistically..... One of my closest friends on here. Skymin, Callisto, Dragonclaw, Stardust Dragona etc. Theres a big list.

But overall its most definitely S.K. I'd love to see my sister again, for anything.
Ummm... Darksong! Because I'd get to meet Cryptia, too! :D I have no idea what i would do once I was there, though. XD Maybe act all epic or something. *shot*
no fucking clue


I'd probably think of all the people that sound fun and then take more than 30 seconds.
idk, Xikaze is cool, would be nice to say hi to altymer, tailsy, goldenquagsire, vplj, opaltiggy, anyone who's said lots of funny things that I agree with honestly i'm too biased towards anyone who's already posted recently in a thread i've because that means I'll remember your name and i'd just list all the people who did that...

I could always be a stalker and just figure out who's the hottest and teleport there and follow them around staring with big eyes, but that might be overly creepy considering how the whole teleporting thing works.
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Mike. I'm a stalker fwee~ :D
But besides, like DarkArmour said, some of my closest frinds, to say, him, Flora, Kali, Castform,celebi, Alakazam....
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*cocks head to the side*
Well, I'd piiick,
Evoli, because I really need to see if it's possible for someone to be so incredible in real life WITHOUT chances of implosion. That, and she said we look similar. O_o

And Mikey, just because...well, I'm not a stalker, persay, more like a fellow Nuttella and British comedy junkie.
I'd bring the jars and the boxsets, o'course.
Hmm... Butterfree, or Felidire, Taliax, Dragon, Eeveeskitty, Dannichu. But I would probably run away in fear as soon as I saw any of them X3.
I don't like meeting new people in person D:
i more boring than you are i bet, i don't talk to much with new people around in real life.
It's getting close to my 5th week in college now, and i've yet to do so much as talk to (or try get to know) anyone in my classes. ,,xD

Hmm... Butterfree, or Felidire, Taliax, Dragon, Eeveeskitty, Dannichu. But I would probably run away in fear as soon as I saw any of them X3.
I don't like meeting new people in person D:
Lol~ *random person materializes infront of you, goes "eeeee" and flees.*
Meeting people you know online in person can be awkward. ,xP

Where abouts do you two live?

I'd want to go someplace with snoow. >>
I'd quite like to meet Kai, don't know why but it'd be interesting... Darkarmour and Objection I see like once a week anyway.
Quick thinking Probably Mike just to see if hes that fun and loveable in real life, I really need someone like that...

But realistically..... One of my closest friends on here. Skymin, Callisto, Dragonclaw, Stardust Dragona etc. Theres a big list.

But overall its most definitely S.K. I'd love to see my sister again, for anything.

Aww. :) I'm not actually that fun to be around though. ^^
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