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Which of these story ideas....

So...which one?

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Introspective Cherrim
...would you be most interested in reading?

Rune of Water

A divergent-timeline AU from PokeSpecial RS. Plays off of the Red Orb/Blue Orb possession thing; the idea is that Sapphire, unconscious after being pulled through the voids of time by Ruby's Celebi, finds herself inside her own dreamscape. It centers on the interaction between Sapphire and Kyogre as they try to wake up...kind of a weird psychological thing.


It's the backstory of Grovyle and the PMD2 main character...but with my own spin on it all. Goes into how the main character met Grovyle, how the Dimensional Scream works, their previous confrontations with Dusknoir, Celebi's role in it all...basically a retelling of everything that happened in Grovyle's life until arriving in the future. Very dark. Plenty of speculation.

The Mother

Dark Pokemorph fic. Think realistically...Pokemon/human hybrids are bound to come out wrong. Anatomical or mental deficiencies are inevitable, due to the complete incompatibility of human bodies with most Pokemon bodies. This fic would be about a band of escaped morphs who, rejected and feared by both races, take to the wilds to form their own tribe. But tension within the group begins to tear them apart, as they begin dying one by one from the failings of their twisted bodies...
The Mother

Dark Pokemorph fic. Think realistically...Pokemon/human hybrids are bound to come out wrong. Anatomical or mental deficiencies are inevitable, due to the complete incompatibility of human bodies with most Pokemon bodies. This fic would be about a band of escaped morphs who, rejected and feared by both races, take to the wilds to form their own tribe. But tension within the group begins to tear them apart, as they begin dying one by one from the failings of their twisted bodies...

Pokemorphs are awesome.

The end.
Wow, hard to choose. Much as I love Special and thick it needs more love, I'm going to say Cessation. Speculation and dark stories, huzzah!
Rune of Water. Things that sort of fit into canon timelines are good.
The PMD one sounds great. The last one looks great but... its been done quite a lot before.
The PMD one sounds great. The last one looks great but... its been done quite a lot before.

My hope is that I can breathe some life into what is generally regarded as a throwaway newbie genre. If you've browsed the FFnet Pokemon archive (oh GOD), you've seen the multitudes of horrible wish-fulfillment/wanna-be-badass/WOMG-MUST-SHIP-MEWTWO Pokemorph fics.

Heh, I just read Lord of the Flies, though, so it'd probably end up being the most depressing thing ever. xP

(Actually, all of these are going to end up being a damper on my mood and everyone else's...)
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(Holy crap has this thread has gotten more attention than I expected. o.O)

Well, uh, I was bored...so I typed little passages for each. These may not appear word-for-word in whichever finished project comes up, but it kinda sets the general mood for each piece...

Rune of Water

Her path had taken her through the forest, and somehow, back to the same reflecting pool where she had began. Sapphire scowled down at her bizarre double, who smiled at her condescendingly.

"Had enough yet?" The Sapphire in the water seemed to be enjoying herself immensely, the spidery cobalt irises of her eyes flashing in amusement.

The one above snarled, showing her fangs. "What do you want from me?!"

"Did I ever say I wanted anything from you? I'm your reflection, aren't I, just as trapped as you -"

Sapphire had wheeled around, stomping away from the damned pool as quickly as she could. A growl rose in her throat as she pushed aside thick foliage, vines and matted walls of leaves, slashing out to clear away the thickets. Mew-damn-it, she wanted to get out of this place and go home oh gods what had happened to Hoenn and where was Ruby -

The pool stared up at her, and her double met her eyes with an expression of finality. "You see now?" she asked of the real Sapphire, to whom the world had suddenly frozen in a terrifying moment of revelation....


Dusknoir had been here.

Something burning coiled in Grovyle's chest as the leering demon-face emblem marked itself in his memory. Of all of Dialga's slave-assassins, only one would have the audacity to leave something as arrogantly, horrifyingly gruesome as the bloody calling card here.

I did this, it sang out gleefully, try and catch me, worm - each step too late, lost to fate, there's nobody else you can save!

"To what end?" Grovyle grumbled, reaching out and closing the man's eyes. Perhaps the humans were becoming dangerous, with their history and songs, and Dialga had commanded their extermination before they had the chance to find some way to fix it all. Or maybe their idea-filled minds were the dangerous things, and this was some bloody, final way of ending all hope of a rebellion.

The pull that he had felt before had dwindled to a feeble reaching, something tugging at the edge of his instincts too softly to mean anything. He was too late, as always, one step behind that destroyer of species and one step behind time itself.

Grovyle grimaced at his own sick joke, kneeling before the corpse of the tribe elder with his eyes shut in respect. It was a long moment of silence before he stood, head pointed to the sky. There was one last soul to put to rest now, under a sky that never brightened.

One last soul of hundreds, their nameless headstones dotting the charred hills.

Arceus save the humans.

The Mother

Pell gasped for breath, scratching uselessly at the paw crushing her throat. "K...k..." She choked on the word, jaw opened in frozen fear.

Kavran glared, loosening his hold just enough so that the girl could breathe. "You listen, Manglebones," he growled. "You got no right to be boss here. I got my tribe. We won't have some like you here. Got it?"

As breath rushed into Pell's lungs, she felt the ache in her legs return. With the pain came a sudden bitterness, and a rushing boldness that she would almost certainly regret later. "You mean...some like defects?" she accused, the teeth in her blunt muzzle showing in a trembling grin. "I...'m not doing nothing to your cronies, Rockback. Not bossing, just telling how it is -"

"Lie." His predator eyes narrowed beneath a twisted brow. "You tell them the Wilds start fires? Drive us out? We crush them." For a moment, Pell thought that the Nidoking morph was going to snap her neck - her breath let out in a rush of relief when he lashed out at the tree beside them with his free hand, leaving two deep gashes in the bark. "You cause trouble, we crush you too. Go back to your sickden, Manglebones, and die like the other defects."
So hard to choose....

It's either Rune of Water or The Mother.

PokeSpec needs more fanfics, and psychological stuff are generally interesting to read, but you should probably do The Mother though, for not many people have read (or have even heard of) PokeSpec, and everyone (or at least quite a few people) like dark fics. I'd love to read some Pokemorph fic that isn't all Mary-Sue and happy.

As for Cession... Well, can't really comment on the plot since I haven't played PMD2. Although that might grab quite a lot of readers, and there seems to be lots of things to write about.
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