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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Which TCod mod/admin are you?

couldn't we make a non-admin/mod version? Where more well known users (like Kai, Grimdour, Arylett, ultraviolet, Mike etc.) Can also be options? I would be willing to make this is I knew some of the mods better.

That would actually be pretty cool. Someone should do it!
couldn't we make a non-admin/mod version? Where more well known users (like Kai, Grimdour, Arylett, ultraviolet, Mike etc.) Can also be options? I would be willing to make this is I knew some of the mods better.
This would be a better idea if half of those people weren't mainly known in Forum Games.

Come on, there're only five active mods/admins...! It can't be that hard to know of us, right...?
Well I'd like a non-mod version AND a new mod/admin version, if it's possible.

But only if I'm somewhere on the member version. >:\
surskitty's making a mod/admin version.

I think that the 'popular member' kind would be too debatable... it'd be hard to pick people who really fit.
I'm Butterfree on the new one, apparently. If I recall correctly, I got her on the older one, too.


You are TOTALLY AWESOME except not. You're quick to anger, but just as quick to forget about it, and you mean well, really. Everyone is terrified of you, which clearly means that you're the person to ask whenever someone has a question. You're probably intelligent, really, but sometimes it's hard to tell. You can certainly derail a conversation, though!

That's why the 'except not' is there. Because no one other than me is truly worthy of getting me.
We've got a lot of mods. It's just that most of them aren't very active.
You are...

Someone Else

You're not much like a mod. I don't know who you are and you're probably someone, but you're not one of the active mods.

(This result sucks.)
Heh, it gave me "Someone Else" the first time I took it, but changing #5 to "No. It increases the mystery." gave me me.
(This result sucks.)
No way, really?
Heh, it gave me "Someone Else" the first time I took it, but changing #5 to "No. It increases the mystery." gave me me.
I don't know yoooooooou! D8 And Tailsy and opal don't really, either, and Butterfree wasn't there at the time. You're mysterious and a ninja. SWIFTLY DROPPING IN TO DO STUFF, THEN LEAVING UNSEEN...!
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