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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Which TCod mod/admin are you?

You're Larissa. Even more insane than Tailsy, your obsession is pomatos. You like to hug and fall over, and are pretty much one of the kindest people on the forum.
You tell yourself you ask for favours too much, but then again you know what you're asking for is not something tough at all.
If you got your psychological obsession a little tuned down, I'm sure you'd be married soon.

...I thought I'd be Ruby. I like shiny things and colors...

EDIT: I took the test again and now look...

You're Ruby. You like shiny things and colours, and in general are a happy and bubbly person. You have a strange obsession with words and etymology. You're also very attracted to smileys.
Not a bad result at all...
I like this idea for a quiz. I really, really like it~

You're Ruby. You like shiny things and colours, and in general are a happy and bubbly person. You have a strange obsession with words and etymology. You're also very attracted to smileys.
Not a bad result at all...

Ooh, the smiley part is spot-on! 8D
You're Altmer (aka me). You're a Pokemon gamer and strategist, and well-known for your battling skills ( even though you deny you're any good at battling.) You're a pretty stubborn type. You're also very logical, having insane analytical and memory skills that surpass about 95% of the people on this planet. You're not very hot-tempered, but when you're provoked, hell is unleashed. Although you're not physically strong enough to make that the truth...
You're also a bit of a depressed kid sometimes, being more down than up and you have little self-esteem. You pretend to be very little, and have to be reassured you're worth something sometimes. Look somewhat more on the bright side of life, you're really able of being someone. Don't let that talent go to waste...
Your Result
You're Larissa. Even more insane than Tailsy, your obsession is pomatos. You like to hug and fall over, and are pretty much one of the kindest people on the forum.
You tell yourself you ask for favours too much, but then again you know what you're asking for is not something tough at all.
If you got your psychological obsession a little tuned down, I'm sure you'd be married soon.
You're Jolty/Ice Dragon. You like to speak in 1337speek by way of sarcasm, and are also pretty much insane. You're also pretty much tolerant towards homosexuality.
You also like Pokemon hentai and also like to draw it. I guess that's your style...

see, THAT'S how old this quiz is

I deliberately tried to get myself but oh my god the answers for me make me want to strangle myself augh

edit: 2 other people got this result! That's 3%
derp derp I win
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You're Larissa. Even more insane than Tailsy, your obsession is pomatos. You like to hug and fall over, and are pretty much one of the kindest people on the forum.
You tell yourself you ask for favours too much, but then again you know what you're asking for is not something tough at all.
If you got your psychological obsession a little tuned down, I'm sure you'd be married soon.
I guess this does explain me a bit xD
You're Larissa. Even more insane than Tailsy, your obsession is pomatos. You like to hug and fall over, and are pretty much one of the kindest people on the forum.
You tell yourself you ask for favours too much, but then again you know what you're asking for is not something tough at all.
If you got your psychological obsession a little tuned down, I'm sure you'd be married soon.

I am Ruby, but not surprised.

Also, apparently Tailsy and surskitty are more like each other than themselves x3
Woah thats really old. I remember taking this ages ago XD

"You're Ruby. You like shiny things and colours, and in general are a happy and bubbly person. You have a strange obsession with words and etymology. You're also very attracted to smileys.
Not a bad result at all..."

That's fitting, except for the loving words and etymology part...
You're Crystylla. You're basically alays there, and you're a good fanfiction writer. You hang around a lot with Ruby and opaltiger, and you're easy to be around.
You're also obsessed with the French language.

Eh, I don't write fanfics and I'm not obsessed with French... Heh, I don't really think this one fits me...
am i the only one who finds it funny that Crystylla's answer says she's always there but i haven't seen her in at least a year
Got Altmer. so much for 9 or whatever %

"You're not very hot-tempered, but when you're provoked, hell is unleashed. Although you're not physically strong enough to make that the truth... "
This part makes me want to unleash hell. >>
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