• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Which TCod mod/admin are you?

Potentially an issue, since most people will only be able to put 4 or 5 for that one; however, if you show strongly in any one category besides that question (and the category isn't "none"), that one question shouldn't make a difference.
... not really a surprise as that wasn't a good idea for a question. Out of the active group, Negrek's the only one not there. Also, yeah, that's usually about twenty people at a time, and it's consistently the same group. There're a few people who drift in and out of the channel but it's still typically the same group.

I have italics and yet you ignore me, you don't have enough boldface to ignore my amazing italics


No, not really, don't actually care. Got Butterfree (and Mewtwofan on the old one, eh).

To those saying "I want a member quiz!": just go to quizilla or bust out your mad quiz-making skills and do it yourself already?
I got Somebody Else. Yay...?

If I made a member quiz, you know I'd put myself on it, and even I know I'm not that popular, so eh.
You're Larissa. Even more insane than Tailsy, your obsession is pomatos. You like to hug and fall over, and are pretty much one of the kindest people on the forum.
You tell yourself you ask for favours too much, but then again you know what you're asking for is not something tough at all.
If you got your psychological obsession a little tuned down, I'm sure you'd be married soon.

Who now?
I got "someone else".

And a quiz of TCoD members would be cool too, but I really don't know what people's responses would be well enough to do it myself :/ (unless the people of the quiz all get together and do it or something)
It was hard enough for surskitty to come up with responses! She kept asking me and I was all

We've decided that you and Negrek are actually long-distance relatives. It helps reduce the mystery, a little.

orz I wanted something vaguely current but yeah I had problems agh. D8 's why Negrek's options are usually IT'S A MYSTERY. ... because I was asking for hellllp and still ... was mostly stuck.
I got this :)

Your Result

You're Ruby. You like shiny things and colours, and in general are a happy and bubbly person. You have a strange obsession with words and etymology. You're also very attracted to smileys.
Not a bad result at all...

That is so me, I won the PC Emblem for smiley abusing!!

I'd like to meet this Ruby she sounds awesome!:)
Crystylla. Honestly, though, I never was around here for a super-long time, so I don't know who many of these people are. :-/

Its exact words are:

You're Crystylla. You're basically alays there, and you're a good fanfiction writer. You hang around a lot with Ruby and opaltiger, and you're easy to be around.
You're also obsessed with the French language.

Hm...I'd say I'm always there for anyone who needs me to be...I guess I'm pretty good at fanfic, but I don't have the time to write that often...like I said, I don't know much about these people...I hope I'm easy to be around, because I try to be...and of the non-English languages I can sort of speak, French is definitely my favorite.

Overall, I'd say it's pretty accurate. :sunglasses:
Alternatively, use #tcod.

We don't bite, guys.

(also I got Someone Else on the new quiz. maybe this wouldn't have happened if I were a mod)
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