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Who has missed school because of snow?

Whole day off today~

Was gonna build a snowman, but by the time I got round to it most of it had melted =,(
We got yesterday off. 8D The first time I've ever had a snow day in my entire life! And I've never seen snow like this, either.

So awesome~ We got sent home on Monday too before it was even noon, so it's more like one and a half days. <3

People are saying it might snow again a lot today, so I might be off again tomorrow! Unlikely, though.
It was fun today in school, snowball fight at every possible moment, and we were late for class like 4 times.
This city has not had any real snow since '83, I believe.

However, I believe 2 years ago, the roads froze and school was cancelled for half a week.
We've had three snow days so far this year, which seems like it should be a good thing, but I'm actually kind of ticked off about it. Because now we get a grand total of ONE day off for spring break. It's depressing. T_T
Well, the school closed on Tuesday, for the first time in over 20 years. It closed again today; for the first time in 3 days. The snow is getting quite deep too. I doubt it will last until Monday though...
Well, the school closed on Tuesday, for the first time in over 20 years. It closed again today; for the first time in 3 days. The snow is getting quite deep too. I doubt it will last until Monday though...

This. It seems our headmaster is getting softer by the day... or somebody threatened to sue him.
I had a two day week... we went in yesterday, but not today, and yet conditions have only improved since then.

(it's actually slightly less than two days, as school started an hour later yesterday)
Three and a half days off this week :D

I think the snow was determined to make me look an arse for my previous comment. xD
Just earlier in the week, where I live had 9-inch to a foot of snow. I got it in my pants when coming back from school, but when it actually came down, we had no school. It is still slush on the ground and really hard to walk in DX
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