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Who has missed school because of snow?

I assume you live near the sea and the salt turns all snow into water on contact.
The weather in my area is COMPLETLY UNPREDICTABLE. Seriously, the day my mom was born it was snowing and the next day it was around eighty degrees farehnhiet!

Just crazy weather... @.@
Don't you just hate it when it snows and you're all like, "HOORAY LETS THROW SNOWBALLS AT EACHOTHER!" but it turns out the snow is to dry to pack?
Thats the only type of snow i've ever seen. I hate it. My friend Ridley loves it. He loves skiing, snwoboarding, skating, skidding on ice, getting buried in snow (don't ask) and anything snow related.
Thats the only type of snow i've ever seen. I hate it. My friend Ridley loves it. He loves skiing, snwoboarding, skating, skidding on ice, getting buried in snow (don't ask) and anything snow related.

Don't like the coldness so much?
Never had a snow day in my life.
the last time we got /real/ snow was 13 years ago yada yada yada

however I haven't been at school the past 2 days because of illness
We had a day off earlier this year for the winds that came through after Hurricane Ike, and then more recently a day off because it was really really cold.
Then I have today off and I had yesterday off because we were under a Level Two Snow Emergency.
So, yes. I've missed school due to snow. Twice this year.

Were I live at some point we had lv 3 emergancy. its a 2 now, Thankfully I have power
It hasn't snowed properly here since like 1999.
I mean it snowed like two weeks ago but it was really thin and completely melted three days later.
We've had constant snow-covered ground since late November.
We've had one snow day, but that's because my district is too tough for its own good. There have been maybe 10 days of mass cancellations.
We've had constant snow-covered ground since late November.
We've had one snow day, but that's because my district is too tough for its own good. There have been maybe 10 days of mass cancellations.

Snow cover for months yet only one snow day? Quite a tough district indeed. Was it blizzard-like on that day?
Today, alot of melted snow froze over. It's a freaking ice rink in much of New Jersey.
And we still went to school. ARRRGH.>< *starts muttering about the damn hardcoreness of Jersey folks being taken too far*
Today, alot of melted snow froze over. It's a freaking ice rink in much of New Jersey.
And we still went to school. ARRRGH.>< *starts muttering about the damn hardcoreness of Jersey folks being taken too far*

*laughs* Sounds like the school districts are proving how tough they are. XD
I had no school on Tuesday or Wednesday due to snow and, more importantly, ice. :3
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