World of Glass
... using Linkin Park as an example.
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yeah but Linkin Park is a shitty band so uh
There's a lot of horrible pop music out there, true. But some are nice e.g. Mika, Kylie Minogue, Scissor Sisters, etc.
In my opinion, anyway :)
Mika is awful. :Syeah but Linkin Park is a shitty band so uh
There's a lot of horrible pop music out there, true. But some are nice e.g. Mika, Kylie Minogue, Scissor Sisters, etc.
In my opinion, anyway :)
Thank you for your input, I will take it into careful consideration.Mika is awful. :S
(The really sad thing about it is, it actually sounds slightly better with the songs put on top of each other. Maybe they should just mix all their songs together and release it as one song -- that would solve the problem of downloading the same thing multiple times~)
Yeah but I'm into really gay stuff like electronica and synthpop and happy upbeat music while you listen to bands called things like cannibal corpse so I guess we can't really criticise each other's musical tastes seeing as we're miles apart on genre preference :vsorry that wasn't a great post I made earlier lol, but I honestly can't stand Mika. The other pop artists you've mentioned I don't really like but I can see why people would enjoy them, but Mika just sounds like soulless disposable rubbish to my ears.
i know rite but all the music i like is fag music so one more won't make a difference :v