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Wiimote rip-off


Screw the rules, I have green hair!
I saw this thing in a TV ad that was a rip-off of a Wiimote! Right down to the buttons and shape! But it plugged into a PC. Maybe Nintendo should sue, for all they're getting sued for.
Lol, they really should sue.

Actually, one time the was something call a Vii. It looked pretty much like a Wii and it was a total-rip off. xD
I saw that thing. Called Styx or something like that?

Anyway, yeah.

Nintendo will probably sue. Not so much for motion sensing, but the company did take a lot of guidance from the Wii. The remote and play are exactly the same as the Wii. Making the ripoff play Flash games really won't change that.
The design of the wiimote is.

I guess.
you mean a long stick with buttons? like this?


hmm, I guess our definitions of "original" differ :)
No, it had the exact same button layout and remote shape. Down to the curve on the back and the B button.
It was like they took a Wii remote and added some colors in different places.

I saw that thing. Called Styx or something like that?
So where is a picture/video of this rip-off? I just want to see if it looks like a Wii-mote like you said.
Yeah, I saw it actually on TV. In a commercial.

That's right make a Wiimote ripoff, and also show it on TV.

They're basically screaming to Nintendo: "Sue us!"
Reminds me of the Dr. Boy.

Things like this will always pop up. I remember one of those X Games in 1 things that was shaped like an N64 controller. Besides, I think Nintendo will worry more about third party designers. I hear the first third party Wiimote is coming out soon. Brace for shitty Wiimote performance.
I still like the Game Boy ripoff, Cool Boy...

I just saw a commercial about two minutes ago, my mom and I are having the time of our lives, laughing at that article.

(Cookies if you get that.)
ETA: This too. V-Sports? COME ON!

That said:
Catch Fish - a fishing game
Fry Egg - a Cooking Mama clone
Free Craps
Great game names =3

The shop in my village has/had something that looks suspiciously like a Wii ripoff... it's called the Zon3 or something. It's about £40 and I assume all the games are programmed onto it or something. So you can get tired of them and that's it =D Judging by how long Wii Sports lasted me, I don't expect that'll be a huge seller.
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