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Would you go naked for acting?

Would you go naked for the cameras/audience?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 44.8%
  • No

    Votes: 25 37.3%
  • 0_o

    Votes: 12 17.9%

  • Total voters
In theory, I guess I would, but when it came time to do it, I'd probably get disgustingly nervous and back out. But I think that if some other people were going to do the scene with me, also naked, then it would make me a bit more confident and I would go for it. idk.
What about that part where everyone was naked in the beginning? Isn't it technically ~more~ wrong to wear clothes then cause it was a result of the original sin?

Well then why did Adam and Eve cover their private parts with fig leaves after they learned the difference between good and evil?
You guys are missing the point. God isn't real. The Invisible Pink Unicorn is. Therefore, any discussion about what God thinks is irrelevant.
Well good for you then. You don't have to believe in God, but I don't believe in pink unicorns.
Something tells me that Mewtwo is being sarcastic. I find it hard to imagine an actual Christian saying

It against God's commandment thingies he wants people to do...
Taliax, on the other hand...
How much would I get paid, would I be doing anything more than being naked, and who the hell would want to see me naked are all questions that popped into my mind.

I don't really know. I feel comfortable with being naked on my own...but I am not sure that I'd feel that comfortable walking around knowing that people are looking at me.

And nudity is wrong.
Why? The human body is beautiful~
It's only wrong if you don't like the idea of being naked, in a movie, for sale in stores all over the world (knowing fully well that millions of people are gonna watch it at some point, and they can rewind it, stare at your parts and drool a countless number of times.) That's not really in my best interests.

I doubt i'd even give naked video/images of myself to one person, let alone 30 million, for basically the same reason. They'd be able to look at me naked whenever they liked, regardless on whether I want them to or not. It's not about the human body being beautiful, it's about whether or not you have the defining characteristic that makes you ok with flaunting that fact.

I suppose it doesn't bother some people, but I know it would bother a lot of others.
Topless, no issues whatsoever.

Actually nude, I don't know. I probably wouldn't mind!

That's it! I'm tired of seeing the Holy Bible be warped, twisted and mocked. Here's how it goes. God made mankind naked, but they were sinless, and they were innocent. With that innocence, they had no evil, selfish sexual desires. Or at least none they would give in to or even keep in their minds, because God has given us no temptation too powerful for us to overcome. Now, when they ate the forbidden fruit, they sinned for the FIRST TIME in human history. They were no longer innocent. With the knowledge that the other wasn't innocent, they were scared of provoking sexual desires, and put on clothing. We are born naked, and people don't mind, because BABIES ARE INNOCENT. When we sin, nakedness becomes intolerable.
The ten commandments say that adultery is a sin. This includes looking lustfully on someone of the opposite sex and desiring sex, apart from your spouse. I personally think that you shouldn't look that way on anyone until you even have a spouse. Nudity can be the spark that starts these thoughts. Thus, nudity is wrong. Especially for sexual purposes.

Now, on topic,
1:yes, because I'm a perv. 5% of answer
2:no, because I am embarrased at my body. 15% of answer
3:no, because of the above. 80% of answer

Overall, NO.
That's it! I'm tired of seeing the Holy Bible be warped, twisted and mocked. Here's how it goes. God made mankind naked, but they were sinless, and they were innocent. With that innocence, they had no evil, selfish sexual desires. Or at least none they would give in to or even keep in their minds, because God has given us no temptation too powerful for us to overcome. Now, when they ate the forbidden fruit, they sinned for the FIRST TIME in human history. They were no longer innocent. With the knowledge that the other wasn't innocent, they were scared of provoking sexual desires, and put on clothing. We are born naked, and people don't mind, because BABIES ARE INNOCENT. When we sin, nakedness becomes intolerable.
The ten commandments say that adultery is a sin. This includes looking lustfully on someone of the opposite sex and desiring sex, apart from your spouse. I personally think that you shouldn't look that way on anyone until you even have a spouse. Nudity can be the spark that starts these thoughts. Thus, nudity is wrong. Especially for sexual purposes.

Now, on topic,
1:yes, because I'm a perv. 5% of answer
2:no, because I am embarrased at my body. 15% of answer
3:no, because of the above. 80% of answer

Overall, NO.

Way to ride in on your fucking high horse and make assumptions about my post.

For one thing, I fucking bolded the word "thingies", because she seemed unsure if they were actually called the Ten Commandments, not because I felt like "mocking the Bible" (though you're not exactly making me feel like going out and praising it, either).

Two, that's fucking dumb. A human's number one instinct is to have sex! There's no way you can stop that, sans mass brainwashing (hmm this situation sounds familiar). To teach that it is a sin could potentially make kids feel like they're going to go to hell no matter how hard they try to repress their urges (*raises hand* ohh that's right I was a Christian when I was younger).

Take a note from your own holy book and turn the other cheek, hrm?
The ten commandments say that adultery is a sin. This includes looking lustfully on someone of the opposite sex and desiring sex, apart from your spouse. I personally think that you shouldn't look that way on anyone until you even have a spouse.

Now, on topic,
1:yes, because I'm a perv. 5% of answer

Uh... I am lost.
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