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Would you go naked for acting?

Would you go naked for the cameras/audience?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 44.8%
  • No

    Votes: 25 37.3%
  • 0_o

    Votes: 12 17.9%

  • Total voters
Just because I'm comfortable with my nudity doesn't mean I'm going to be in the background of a James Bond film!
I probably would. I mean, I'm getting paid. Plus, being naked's fun. So, why not?
Depends. I don't really like my body, it's just...eww not like some people's.


But then there is the money *evil grin*

But it depends how much money~
Most of the posts that say "yes" place a strong emphasis on the ammount of money.
Got me thinking.. what else would you do for money? ;p
1) I will never be an actor
2) I don't like being naked around other people
3) I don't even like not having a shirt on around other people
4) You do not want to see me naked
5) You really do not want to see me naked
6) I have limits
7) I don't care about money enough
8) People will laugh at me
9) You really really do not want to see me naked
Well, I think it highly unlikely that I will ever become an actor, but if I were I wouldn't mind doing a nude scene. I don't find nudity particularly offensive... it can be beautiful, in fact. Now I wouldn't do anything pornographic, but plenty of decent films contain nudity and I wouldn't mind being a part of that.

Some of you guys need to take a lesson from the Bard -- nothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so.
Some of you guys need to take a lesson from the Bard -- nothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so.

I am quite aware of that, but that doesn't mean I'll be willing to do a nude scene.

Also, what's with so many people thinking that the human body is beautiful? Honestly, I see nothing special or beautiful about it. It's just a thing and I don't find it terror-inducing or amazing.
I would go naked if it wasn't pornographic, if I wasn't so damn pale, and if I didn't have pectus excavatum!

in other words why would I go naked. I would but I don't see any reason why!
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