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Would you go naked for acting?

Would you go naked for the cameras/audience?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 44.8%
  • No

    Votes: 25 37.3%
  • 0_o

    Votes: 12 17.9%

  • Total voters
What do you think he means, Tailsy? Think about it for a moment!

In theory, I guess I would, but when it came time to do it, I'd probably get disgustingly nervous and back out. But I think that if some other people were going to do the scene with me, also naked, then it would make me a bit more confident and I would go for it. idk.

in that case, fuck yeah

I mean

oh dear no, I'm much to clean and straight up for that DISGRACEFUL display of my body.
From the amount of people who said yes, I think that we should make a TCoD porn film.
No, I wouldn't; I don't even like swimming....

I'm curious, how did you bridge the gulf between "public nudity" and "public sex"?
Somehow I doubt he's being serious, considering he crossed the original thing out, but whatever floats your boat I guess.
Probably not unless I was paid some sort of disproportionaly large amount of sum or I had a very small part.

The idea of having the image of me, nude, recorded for prosperity where people can see it over and over again and then do who knows what (whack off? at me? eww. laugh? self esteem goes down. Put it on the internet for lols? argh name change). I'm also rather self-conscious of crap like this. I wouldn't do it unless I got like, enough money to buy myself a country or something, and nobody would offer that to me unless they were rich admirers of me or something unprobable.

In short, no.
Bit double-edged at the moment. Would I at the moment? No, absolutely not, I hate my body as it is. But that's merely a personal issue.
Would I if I were correct/Once I change? Of course. The human body is the human body, there's nothing to be ashamed of, as long as you can be personally comfortable with yourself. As far as I'm concerned: If you're comfortable nude alone, why not in view of others? Society has this overbearing taboo over it really. Not to mention unrealistic expectations of those who are generally "Accepted" in doing so. Mine is an issue of being in the wrong gender form, but as far as not being a "Perfect" build or suchlike I could care less. And people seeing/laughing/fapping? ...Meh, their choice. I hold to "It's just my body"
When I think about it actually, the only thing I dislike about my body is that I am really hairy (especially around my arse and nether region). Other than that I'm content with it.
The ten commandments say that adultery is a sin. This includes looking lustfully on someone of the opposite sex and desiring sex.
Way to warp a quote:
This includes looking lustfully on someone of the opposite sex and desiring sex, apart from your spouse.

And by the way, being a Christian and a perv isn't that hypocritical. It's kinda hard to suppress.
But for all you know it could be a James Bond movie, with explosions!.. and then a naked random person walking in the background picking flowers.


I would never be able to take myself seriously!
But for all you know it could be a James Bond movie, with explosions!.. and then a naked random person walking in the background picking flowers.

I'd actually see that movie, especially if Tailsy's gonna be the one in the background
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