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Wrestler defaults because he would have to fight a girl

honestly, I think it makes him look like a prat. not hitting women in a normal everyday setting is one thing (and that's a whole different kettle of fish, really), but in an environment like that where the female wrestlers fully understood what they were getting into and (presumably) were on a roughly equal footing, it just comes off as patronising.

He's clearly a chauvinist. What is courteous about telling a girl "I'm not going to let you compete against me in a sport that you enjoy because I don't think you should be allowed to play the sport with me"?
I heard about this last night, but I didn't realize he lived in the same city as me until I read what high school he wrestles for.

But... to be honest if I joined a wrestling team ready to compete and people refused to wrestle against me just because I'm a girl, I would be upset.
wow, just wow. Religion shouldn't be Involved with wrestling. -.-

And why refuse to compete with someone Just because of Gender? :s
I think it's kinda stupid. She knew what she was getting into, and she was probably just as strong as him. It would've offended me if someone did that to me.
I can't decide whether he's courteous or chauvinist.

He's neither. He's this:

Northrup's father, Jamie Northrup, is a minister in the Believers in Grace Fellowship, an independent Pentecostal church in Marion that believes young men and women shouldn't touch in a "familiar way," said Bill Randles, the church's pastor.

"We believe in the elevation and respect of woman and we don't think that wrestling a woman is the right thing to do. Body slamming and takedowns, that full contact sport is not how to do that."

Christ, Pentacostals are wacko. This and Jesus Camp. But to each their own, I guess. It's not like the girl isn't profiting.
If the girl knew fully what she was getting into (Which she obviously did considering she made it to the competition) he should have no problem. If anything he should be happy he gets to touch a girl in that way. >:3
"I have a tremendous amount of respect for Cassy and Megan and their accomplishments." Well obviously not? Seriously, you can't patronize someone and then say it's out of respect. (Well evidently you can get away with it, but rrrrgh.)

He's neither. He's this: [Believers in Grace Fellowship quote]
That looks pretty chauvinist to me...!

If anything he should be happy he gets to touch a girl in that way. >:3
Er, no, he shouldn't be doing anything skeevy. (I don't know how serious you were, that's pretty galling even as a joke.)
That looks pretty chauvinist to me...!

From the quote, it doesn't look like he necessarily believes women are inferior to men, but rather that touching girls "in that manner" is inappropriate. Antiquated, yes. But not necessarily chauvinistic.
But it does imply that women are inferior to say that wrestling a girl is inherently inappropriate. Whether or not that's supposed to be taken sexually, it's patronizing, and it says that she's not the judge of her own body. Plus the "elevation and respect" part is much more blatant: "you're female, so wrestling you like a man wouldn't be respectful."
"I have a tremendous amount of respect for Cassy and Megan and their accomplishments. However, wrestling is a combat sport and it can get violent at times," said Northrup. "As a matter of conscience and my faith I do not believe that it is appropriate for a boy to engage a girl in this manner. It is unfortunate that I have been placed in a situation not seen in most other high school sports in Iowa."

He is basically suggesting that girls are too fragile to fight. Religous beliefs? Freaking stupid beliefs.
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