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Write with a body part

"Jesus deep-fried Christ on a tricycle"

Elbow: jesus dxeeerp-frfiedd christ on a triucycvfle
Nose: jesus deedp-fried christ on a tricycle
Wrist: hjesus deepo-.frfied cchriusdt ionb ba triuccycxlkee
Eyes closed: jesus deep-friemd christ on a tricycle (I'm better than I thought)
Ear: cccv-cdjdcc k b j vgxchøæ- nbkgv n .mxnhgzxv jk <
Chin: nnjdxdx dddløp-fgvfrikded chfrkxty oln a tgfikcyhcld
Very fast: jesus deep-dired christ on a triclcye
...Phone: jesus deep-fried christ on a tricycle
"this thread is laughter-inducing"

Knuckle: ytjhdsh hhgt -kncg

I think the iPad messed it up.
Bubblegum is yummy -

Toe: b7ubbloygum ikd yumjmuyy
Nose: g7ggke3tujn ihs y67ukky
Tongue: bubb,ldgu n ixdfx s yuuuu7mmty
Elbow: bjub b legujm i8sd y778,mmy
Fist: nbubblkegfum is yunmnmy
Last edited:
Do not write this:

Toe: Dpol not wri9ttter tyhuisd
Tongue: Do not write this
Eyes closed: Do not wrute this
Knee: dfrppo mn,itr5 µerytoipyur45 yutyjhnudrf
Very fast: D onot write this

asb rocks enough said forever


I hope I'm approved for reffing--

(using a touchscreen keyboard)

chin: o uhif in aplfkv cbf fxVvnbyv
knuckles: I hope im approved forb reffing
tongue: iv hike Llfk dd ckd twslding
hands blindfolded: i hope I'm alrlbed for reffing
toes, right foot: h gaisitw. eage fjfww
nose: I y
Pink fluffy unicorns omg

Elbow: pink fluffy junicornd omg
Tounge: pinkmfluffybujn crs

The iPad keyboard tastes bad...
I'm so glad DarkAura is back

Wrist: ium wq9o gtloqa deark,auraq is back1
Toe:i''m so glaad dczarkioeAZauraz ikxs b zavc k1
Nose:9[k wo0 ytoled eqi87r4aq i hacd i1

Hands: charmander (fast, too)
Knuckles:charjanwsdweed (uhh....)
Toungue: ch-awrm=ander (i thought i did worse)
Nose:charrrr maqwhee4r
Toes:charmander (O.O)
Index Finger:charmander

Kaaarl, why is the lifeboat all red and sticky?

Blind: Kaaarl, why is the life boar all red and sticky?
...Not bad!

Watch:kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkarfr,m weijs tgd liofe boat asl,l red wsnmd sdyti cvlkyu /
Having another go.
All your Toblerone are belong to us,

Elbow: aqlkl y7oluit tolbbl;e4r54lmnj4 bqrt5fr4 nhbt64eolo0jky yp;[ij 8ued (!?)
Blindfolded: all yout yivkeribe ate belong yo us (three words right - really not quite sure about Toblerone)
Tongue: all yur tlber3 fds mj9mg hgkl jx (?)
Toes: ao;lllllyiy r xzchytgiggfdf s w v rt tg89ú xs ({ú} MY FIRST ACCENT I'VE DONE WITHOUT MICROSOFT WORD'S SYMBOL THINGY!)
Nose: qpb8o643vho46pj4 q34 bh5lbn0o 3x (?????)
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