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Ymo's art-thread (Heavy images(?))


p.s. Here's a max revive

Ymedron... please could you draw me a banner for my site?

Here's the current banner:

-it's not too impressive. I was thinking of having the next banner with smaller text.

So, could you draw me the fiery chao creature above on an 800px wide by 200px high image with a transparent background (so I could add something behind the image if I wanted)

You could draw the title on the image, or give me the drawing and let me put a title on it.

I wouldn't like the drawing to be cut off on either side (it could be on the top and bottom, though...)

If you do decide to help me, please could you post a sketch of the banner so that I can feed back and make sure you have understood what I was asking for - There's no point in you colouring it in if it's not what I wanted!

If I decide to use the banner draw the chao, you will be credited at the bottom of every page that uses the banner


EDIT: I realised that all you need to do is draw me the chao reasonably big (eg 400px tall?) - I can then resize it and add text/ bakgrounds etcetera, while saving your drawing - then I can easily improve the banner
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Okay, I'll try to get it done (along with the torterra, which I have been sadly neglecting.) sooner or later.
(It's a bit boring to do pokemon art all the time, anyway... I'll get something done sooner or later.)

Im going to need references for that, since I haven't played any Sonic games since Sonic and Knuckles on the Sega. <D

It's a sonic adventure 2 chao - please draw the image to the left (I just included the other so you could add more detail if you wanted)

btw this is the same request as my request 6 posts ago so you an ignore that messy post and just look at this one if you like
So, I'll just update the art?
Pretty much, please

Any special requests for shading?
I'd like some shading to be added on to the chao (the chao you can see there on the current logo has no shading at all), and I guess you could make the fire look better (possibly more realistic if you think it would look better that way - it's just a logo so realism isn't necessary), but I have no ideas more specific than that.
I think I'll go with... 1 (I like it because it isn't as aggressive as 3 and 4 and doesn't look as young as 4)

I love the way you've made the elbow spikes smaller asnd generally given him a skinnier build

You are going to add fire behind him, right?
I guess it'd be nice if they were a tiny bit more awake... but preferably without making them aggressive.
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