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Ymo's art-thread (Heavy images(?))

Yeah, okay.

I won't be coloring it today in any case, since I feel like complete shit anyway.
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Okay, seriously, you're good, and now I'm jealous and wishes I could draw again.

By the way, I seriously love that one.
I would ask if you could draw something for me, but right now I don't know if you're busy or not, and sometimes I get the feeling I sound kinda rude when I do it.

So I shall try to gives some critique first, which is hard when whoever is drawing is a lot better then me and probably know what they are doing, but I'll try.

@ that Hedai picture: It's kinda hard to judge the gender of this gijinka, but my current guess is that it is a boy, seeing that it's Clefairy/Clefable, that's not really something bad, thought. I like how you made the hair look so natural while it's still rather damn unnatural.
Lol actually hedai is a girl. >D I just can't draw girls...

FIRE, WHAT?! DID YOU REQUEST SOMETHING?! I've been on Drawchat all week! D8!

And... Ugh. *hasn't done the torterra at all*
Lol actually hedai is a girl. >D I just can't draw girls...

I think the problem is the shape of the face, if you ask me, it's just a bit too round. I was guessing that she was a girl at first, but then I came to the conclusion that you might be one of those people who like having very androgynous Pokémon and guessed that it was a boy.
Or an artist's diarrhea of the wrong kind. D8 I just draw on Drawchat all the time and get nothing DONE.
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