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Ymo's art-thread (Heavy images(?))

well no it looks great for a hand encased in ice - I just though that if twas an ice punch it would look different

p.s. yay my picture is on track to be one of the good ones XD
:P Though if it isn't, you'll still get a bonus sketch. (Aeles insists that he must be drawn more. ;D)

Edit: I did two versions again. The first one with black lines, the second one with gradient-purple lines.

Plus, Aeles sent a postcard from the pokemon-universe.
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Well... I put a lot of thinking into it at least. <: D
Seriously though, this pic was the most frustating one I've ever done. It took me three weeks just to get started doing it, and all the time I was bothered by the fact that I wasn't doing it. However, school drains you in a mysterious way, and when weekends came, I would rather watch videos and draw easier stuff instead. <D At least it's done now.
thanks a lot for these, by the way - I went with a cropped version in the end, but I'm still not completely sure which version would look best as my avatar...
Uh... Any chance I could get you to create me an avatar of Lars as a torterra(with somewhat bigger horns and blue eyes), in a zoom in, somewhat like the pose your current avatar is, only that it is a little closer, the head covering most of the picture and some of the chest being visible? Thanks in advance! And if you accept this, please make a blue background, and maybe add the text I herd u liek torterras "Cookies?".
Um... well, maybe in the pose of your avatar, with an angry look, and the left leg lifted. His body is towards the left side(somewhat like your avatar, I guess)
I would like to do a mirrored version, since I dislike having a 'series pose' avatar. (As in, several avatars in the same pose, with a different character. It cheapens the effort put into it.)
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