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Ymo's art-thread (Heavy images(?))

Well, it's easier to make a picture the way you want if you say it up first, yes? :P

I'll try to alter it.
Well... Now he seems to have become a pretty-boy. :P I like him better that way, but I don't know about you:
That's good. :3
Here is the espeon for Darksong:

I don't know if it's as good as the others... I tried my best. <: O

Interesting trivia:
While i can draw umbreon quite well, Espeon has always given me a lot of trouble to do right. Why?
Well... While Umbreon is quite clear: Rabbit head with a dog body, Espeon is sort of a cat+desert fox... Depending on what you elaborate.

The head the Espeon looks a bit small for the body (or how well-muscled it is), and the ears are slightly narrow. Overall, the neck is slightly too long as well, maybe not for the pose... I'm actually not that good at criticism because I haven't had experience with a lot of different poses ...

Espeon always reminded me of a fennec fox.
I think all the suck on that espeon is because of the time I did it- I started drawing it at... 11 PM.

Now now, let's not hold back.
If you want to say that something is bad, it's better to just say it straight on. (Though... I might go into apology-mode...)
Now some more art for myself.

Kurobbu and Myuuga, my two happy little level 40 pokemon.
I love Kuro, it's fun to give him random weirdnesses such as riding a womens' bike (painted with flames!)

Why isn't it up frontal like the ref. pose? Simple:
I don't like copying pictures. <l3

Plus two yet unnamed aggrons:

The upper one belongs to a bar-owner, and carries beer- and winekegs around all the time, while the lower one is highly trained army-unit. ;D
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Why isn't it up frontal like the ref. pose? Simple:
I don't like copying pictures. <l3

Plus two yet unnamed aggrons:

The upper one belongs to a bar-owner, and carries beer- and winekegs around all the time, while the lower one is highly trained army-unit. ;D

Okay, the garchomp is great, even if it looks a little like some random macho.

Great colouration and shading, so are the face and head.

Overall: 9/10

The first Aggron looks short, and seems to be drunk.
Shading is good.
Looks wimpy.

Overall: 6/10

The next aggron looks 2d, good shading, and strange pose. Don't like much.

Overall: 5/10.

Didn't have much time to write this.
It's a good thing that he looks drunk and wimpy! :D After all, he needs to have a taste at those wines, so that the customers won't get bad ones.

Actually these two were a practice at characterization- To me, Aggrons belly brings to mind a barrel. So, I started thinking, 'What is usually connected with barrels..? Bums, beers, wines...' So, his design idea is that he is a poor drunk.

The second one is the second part of Aggron's design: A soldier/knight. The metallic armors bring to my mind a soldier, and it's restoring nature (dex says that they restore their territory after forest-fires and landslides) bring to mind a peaceful knight.

A third design would have been a middleground- Humiliated knight, who has started drinking. (but still packs a punch!) but alas, I didn't think of it when I drew them.

Im happier with the upper one, too, since it looks a lot more personable than the lower one. The lower one doesn't have any negative points or quirks... I like to think that the drunk beats him drunken fist-style.
The Aggrons still look a bit slim, but I guess that's your drawing style. I like the effects on the top one, how the horns and sharp parts of Aggron's armor are more dull to give a somewhat sluggish or loopy look. The expression is great. XD

As I said earlier, for the bottom one, the body and arms look a little too thin compared to the tail. But I love the pose on the lower one, and the fact that it looks like it's ready for anything. I've always admired Aggron, but this is plain cool. :)
Yes, the slimness is part of my style- I often try to make the pokemon more the way I like it- And Aggron's barrely belly really doesn't do it for me. :P
The tail was too thick when I inked it- Why do I always notice the errors AFTER I've done revising it..? Oh well. I guess the proverb 'Art is not finished, it's just abandoned' is true. <:D

... ;;Sees this thread, stops her Art Commenting Train here;;

You're quite good, I must say. Talented~ Generally, this is just on a general thing. Now, let's get more specific.

Feraligatr Dude: The tail is very graceful and slim, I like that. You seem to have mastered how to draw hands! Oh, he's holding that sword quite well. That's something that's rare to see. Good job with the folds of the clothes too, and I can't see anything wrong here~

Espeon: The body's a bit too long. It kinda looks more like a tiger than an Espeon. It has that big cat structure... but I understand that you struggled to draw it and couldn't really tell what it was based off of~ The head appears a bit too small for the body though, and the front paws are a bit... bent at the top. They look more like back paws than front ones, if that makes sense. But you did a really nice job on the colouring, and I really like it otherwise~ So props for that.

Kurobbu and Myuuga - Oh my God. I really, really like this one. They look so sophisticated and graceful, the poses! It looks like they're getting ready to attend a fancy ballroom dance. I love Myuuga especially. Her expression and pose have the poise of a Persian, all right. And her tail only adds to it. As for Kurobbu, I really like how his helmet looks like a mask, it really gives that vibe that they're going to attend a masquerade ball.

Garchomp: Interesting pose, shading, and colours~ I love how you accentuated the abs and muscles with shading.

Bar Owner's Aggron: His expression. X3 It amuses me. He's /awesome/. Seriously. So full of personality. Let me just say that I find your idea about two different kinds of Aggron very interesting, it makes Pokemon more diverse based on how they were raised. Sort of like... dog breeds. They were trained to do different jobs, and have different appearances for their jobs. It seems like the same concept here. I find it really fascinating.

Military Aggron: I think the slimness really does give you the image of the military. He does look like he was trained to do combat, and a more offensive, sleek type. More highly trained than the second one. As has been previously stated, the tail is kinda thick, but otherwise, it is really good. And props on the straight horns, too~

;;Art Commenting Train Rushes off;;
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