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Ymo's art-thread (Heavy images(?))

There should be the gallery link somewhere, and when you get there there is the big upload-button.
And it will request you choose the pictures. (You can choose multiple ones with control, and then press "open")
Don't mess around with the tags, it's just so people can find you better.
Okay... It's uploading the thing right now.

P.S. If you're going to make the human-fusion thingy, could you make several options?
(in case you didnt understand what I meant)

Edit: I hope this works!


Edit2: Wow this really went out small... And I made it extremly big!
Yeah, I'll do.
I'll make just a sketch of the human for now, as Darksong's espeon is second on the list.

Photobucket shrinks your pictures if they are really large.
You better take away all the white space around it. (THAT'S AN ORDER!) Khrmrm.
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You know, move the picture so far left on the canvas and shrink the canvas so that the edges of the picture touch the garchomp.

There is no use for all that white space, after all.
Here is the sketch- Im really bad at drawing people younger than myself, because I either make them too young for their age or too old. : < Don't mind the foolish proportions.
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...And this is the proof I hate using paint since it always comes out as something awful.

P.S. I dont know why this came out JPG-I made it bmp at first...
The garchomp transformed into a... Turtwig?
Do you want me to do a turtwig now? :o

(If I sound like a complete a-hole, Im sorry, but I am feeling a bit burdened right now.)
Okay, I'll do that pose then. :3 *gets to drawing*
Edit: And finished!
(I did it rather quickly- just say if you want me to redraw/recolor it. :o)


Would you mind terribly if I used her for an icon, though maybe not here, like, Dragon Cave Forums and stuff? I will obviously credit you >w< I loves her so!

(If you have a FA or dA or anything I could credit that'd win ;D)
Well... Okay. :o
My deviantart-account is umbbe.deviantart.com : D

If anyone is going to use these pictures somewhere else, you MUST ask me first. (Because I want to know where they go.)
You know, move the picture so far left on the canvas and shrink the canvas so that the edges of the picture touch the garchomp.

There is no use for all that white space, after all.
Here is the sketch- Im really bad at drawing people younger than myself, because I either make them too young for their age or too old. : < Don't mind the foolish proportions.

Sorry if Im confusing you.

So, first of all, the turtwig is just there to show how much paint sucks.
The garchomp was meant to show the pose for the previous request, but what im interested in right now is this sketch(the one in the quote!).
Anyway, pose 2 is better, but I dont really think that a kid should be bald...
P.S. When, or rather, If you will paint it, could you make it brown hair and eyes?
Of course it isn't bald. :P I don't need to elaborate the sketch if it's just to pick the pose.
The face on the right was just to test whether or not I can create a satisfactory face for him.
Are you satisfied with that face?
If not, could you describe his face a little better?
(PS: I can't color the human, since I need to color the Espeon, draw, ink and color the garchomp.)
That's good. :3
Here is the espeon for Darksong:

I don't know if it's as good as the others... I tried my best. <: O

Interesting trivia:
While i can draw umbreon quite well, Espeon has always given me a lot of trouble to do right. Why?
Well... While Umbreon is quite clear: Rabbit head with a dog body, Espeon is sort of a cat+desert fox... Depending on what you elaborate.
That's good. :3
Here is the espeon for Darksong:

I don't know if it's as good as the others... I tried my best. <: O

Interesting trivia:
While i can draw umbreon quite well, Espeon has always given me a lot of trouble to do right. Why?
Well... While Umbreon is quite clear: Rabbit head with a dog body, Espeon is sort of a cat+desert fox... Depending on what you elaborate.

Interesting... The right(our right) forepaw is a bit strange angled, but the thing I liek the most is the shading. Good eye,s but the neck is a little too small. Okay, not only a little.
*kills donkeh lvl.X*
Umm... yea, but with claws.
Edit: What is it to me with clawed animals and pokemon?!?!?!

P.S. Yes the neck seems ot be the shoulders rather than a neck.
Allright, here he is:

I first drew him with his feet facing frontward, but then I realized that you wanted him to look behind him, so I fixed it. D: I liked the frontal position of the legs more, but...
Looks good, but, uh, is it possible to make him with curly hair, a less supicous(I guess angry doesn't look so good(maybe more happy)) look, and more stripes on the shirt?
Expect this, it looks pretty much great.
Edit: Err, and the neck is a bit too thick. It's not supposed ot be a super strong wrestler, it's a kid(fused with a feraligatr).
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