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Ymo's art-thread (Heavy images(?))

Actually, that is reflected light. The steel reflects the yellow of the bands, the black metal, the snow, and also a bit from the surroundings (In this image, they are imagined to be white.) I may have exaggerated a bit in this picture, as the face reflects a little yellow from the tail's band.

The dark right next to light- shading is also a metally effect, this time simulating the chromelike sheen. Earth is usually darker than the sky, so the metal reflects some of that.
The feraligatr has reflected light too, but it is far less prominent.

Yeah, I should've highlighted more. In my mind the black parts are iron and the silvery parts are steel... :P So I should have highlighted both. *mind wanders*
You know what I find funny? Your post count grew from 8 to 56 in 2 days. Ironic. And because of this thread....

...Anyway, is the thing I requested possible?
Yeah, it's pretty funny.

Yes, I'll do that after I finish FMC:s request. :D

Edit: Okay, here are the poses:

I couldn't pick just one pose without asking you first- What would you prefer? :3
You can also make requests about the style of the umbreon- here I used the acorn-shape head and simple eyes.
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aaaaah they're so cute! *stares for a while, attempting to choose* hmm. I like #7 the best. She looks so happy and cute~
Okay, I'll do that pose then. :3 *gets to drawing*
Edit: And finished!
(I did it rather quickly- just say if you want me to redraw/recolor it. :o)
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Umm..... Anyway, could you create a garchomp in a jump pose, with his left arm upwards, in a slash pose, with an agressive look on his face(yea male, but don't cut the fin please).

P.S. Could you make several sketches so I can choose? Please?
I might take a while with this one, since Im watching reviews and leveling my pokemon in Fire Red. (I've spent about 200 hours just leveling about... 60 different pokemon I have.)
Ohh, what TM? :o

(PS: FMC, your pic is in the prev. page. :P Just in case you didn't look at the edited post.)'

The poses:
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Your art looks very interesting, Ymedron. I love the way you do shading, and it's especially good compared to mine. What program do you use for the drawings? (Or are they drawn on paper and then scanned and colored?) Maybe I just need to spend more time on mine... I don't know what else to say, though, because everyone's already said it... the poses are very creative, though; they're usually something that I have a problem thinking of.

I'd like to see some art, please. :) How about... an Espeon, sitting down, with very lightly colored eyes... her color is a bit darker and more blue than usual. She has her left paw up, rather like a dog shaking paws with someone, and her tail is curled up slightly.

Thank-you in advance.
Ohh, what TM? :o

(PS: FMC, your pic is in the prev. page. :P Just in case you didn't look at the edited post.)'

The poses:

Urgh... Im kind of afraid these don't really suit me(first time something you made didn't suit me!). What I meant was with the claw straight upwards, the left downwards, the other claw downwards, the head looking upwards with the mouth open. I hope this is easier to understand...(shame I has no scanner)
About the process...
First I do a quick sketch, then I scan it into Photoshop, ink and color in. I don't use any fancy brushes, but I do use the flow-option at 20 to do the soft shading.
The inking is done with a 3px or 4px brush, with a texture-overlay. (It looks sort of like a plank-wall, because I learned from somewhere that it sharpens the lines a lot. ;3)

Okay, I'll start doing that espeon along with the Garchomp! :D

Unfortunately I don't really get that explanation...
Would it be a bit like the pose number 1, with the right claw from the pose 2 and the left claw from the pose 4 with it tilted a bit upwards?
Err...Somewhat like aggron's pose, only with the face upwards(a little), chest and stomach the "reader's" way, legs also, and the tail not so much seen.

(I wish I had a scanner to explain...)
And it should still be jumping?
That's quite hard to envision...
Maybe you could do a simple stick-figure in Paint? (Use different colors for all the limbs and the spine, if you would? :P)

Edit: Well, here is a picture I made for myself. (Because I haven't been doing them for myself lately at all. :D)
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Umm... While im looking for a way to upload the rough pose I made in paint, could I swap my request?

If so, could I have a a human-feraligatr fusion in the form of a kid wearing a long sleeved shirt, white with black stripes, long, grey pants, with light-blue/tan(combined) skin, a long tail, and monstrous hands(with claws and all).
The figure should be with the back to the one looking at him(or rather, it), looking towards the 'readers' sopicously(darn spelling), and covered in a blue aura, holding a sword in his left hand, and ice covering his right hand. ((somewhat like the Pt male ace trainer, not the ice area one))

Thanks in advance.
Okay, I'll try that. (Though humans aren't my strongest area, but let's see how it turns out.)

PS: Use photobucket.
You'll need to make an account there, though. (And, that way you can upload the pictures you are using into your own account so that my bandwith doesn't run out.)

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