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Ymo's art-thread (Heavy images(?))

Er...What'd that mean?

..I mean, im not so good in engilsh(okay im the best in the class but i live in asia), so, uh, I have no clue about what you have said.
Well, it simply means "Could you explain a bit more?"

I didn't quite understand what you said about skipping-
Did you mean I should leave the ring or bandana out, or should I put the bandana elsewhere on the tail. :P
Sorta- put the 'bandana'(yellow with red eyes) on the middle part of the tail, and make the rest of the tail 'flat', namely without that black bunch around the end of the tail.


See? The bunch on the tail is located where feraligatr had the tail fin.
And that part is good for feraligatr, but makes the poor Aggron look bad. -.-


P.S. If it's really fun for you(I won't want to make people created things they don't like!),
Is there a chance that I(,Should I ever be able to) will send a pencil painted pokemon picture and send it here for you to give the 'final touches'?
Hmm. In winter/summer clock? I guess in summer clock(summer clock is one hour ahead of winter, or you can say winter laggs one hour behind summer clock)
Actually, I think Winter time is the normal time, as people feel an increased amount of stress when you have to change into summer time.
Edit: Okay, I colored the Aggron. :D Here it be:
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Oh, that explains.

And, it's because most people are fond of winter clock. Like me.

Anyway, that would mean we are acctualy around the asme time(since I moved my clock one hour backwards already)
Hmm, in what country do you live?

And there was a discussion in the TV about summer/wintertime, and they said that it is no longer needed. The S/W time was (from what I know) created at first to preserve more daylight hours for working, but nowadays people work until the dark anyway... :P
Hmm. I guess it's further east than Finland?
PS: I edited the aggron into a previous post earlier. :P
Actually, I think Winter time is the normal time, as people feel an increased amount of stress when you have to change into summer time.
Edit: Okay, I colored the Aggron. :D Here it be:

Aaaah no helphelphelp mercy no my eyes too awsome!

Anyway, it looks like I hoped it to look!
This is very nice work, Ymedron! I think the full-body Ditto Charizard and the Aggron are my favorites--they're very dynamic and a lot of fun to look at. The silver parts on the Aggron could probably use some brighter highlights to indicate the shininess of the metal, but overall it's lovely.

The only consistent problem I see with several of your pictures is that the upper bodies of your subjects tend to be very skinny. This is especially noticeable on the Ditto Machamp (Twiggy already touched on it), which should have a lot more muscle definition and, in general, has a much larger upper body than lower body. But it's apparent on some of the other pictures as well, like Ditto Monferno and Aggron... although I guess your Aggron is rather slim overall compared to the official artwork, so it doesn't seem as out of proportion there. Using an upside down triangle to construct the shape of the shoulders and torso (or a larger one, if you're already doing something like that) when doing the preliminary work would probably help with that.

You also seem to get the colors outside of the lineart here and there, but personally I like the way that looks on your art. :) Perhaps it's just me, but I'm fond of "rough-looking" artwork. In some ways it has a bit more "personality" than rigid, perfectly clean lines, you know?

Also, Twiggy, if I may say something: I know you mean well and are only trying to help Ymedron when you critique her work, and I can tell that she understands and appreciates your comments, but I would advise against using phrases such as "looks like some piece of crap" or "the right one sucks". Something like "it isn't as good" or "isn't your best work" means the same thing without sounding harsh--you could just as easily take remarks like that out entirely and just focus on what could be improved, like the comments about detail being lost in the Ditto Monferno. Ymedron doesn't seem to mind, as I said, but wording it that way is rather rude and could be seen as offensive to someone who's a bit more sensitive about critique. Just something to keep in mind in the future, eh? It is nice to see someone who does take the time to leave constructive comments, though. That's so very rare around here, unfortunately.

You're busy enough as it is, Ymo, so I won't request anything. I look forward to seeing more from you, though. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the comments, to both of you. :33
The thing about upper bodies- I don't even notice that! D: I've always preferred drawing my creatures somewhat bottom-heavy, so I guess that's why I usually mess up with the upper body-size.
I should try that triangle-method, I've been constructing my sketches with just bubbles and lines. :P

Ah, Im not that busy. As of now, i don't have anything to draw, so a request is welcome. ;D It's nice to draw for different people, as they have different ideas and favourites among pokemon. : D

PS: I guess the lines go out, because I don't color on a dark background. I usually color on either white or transparent, so I can't really see the spills. <l3
Oh, Ooooh. You're good. I really like the Aggron sketch (better than the finished version for some reason. hm.), the Vaporeon sketch, and the Toto and Gator 8D The finished Aggron's tail gets a little thick near the end, also.

I think I'll make a request~ Can you draw me a shiny Umbreon, or more specifically, my character Rinna? Her eyes and rings are both pale blue, and her forehead ring goes over her eyes a bit (like this). She has a Rosary around her neck usually too. :3 You can put her in any pose you like, and take as long as you need :D

(And if you're ever up for an art trade, give me a shout!)
Hmm.... May I request something new?
If so, may I ask for a gible in the Totodile's pose, but this time with a lansat berry?
(There's picture Here)


Edit2: Okay, time for my critique!


This is really nice and all, but im afraid there's something I have to tell you about the shading- where the shading is heavy, for example on the face, you make it a stripe of shading, and that looks unrealistic. I mean, it looks good, but seeing that in the middle of the shading there's a bunch of light...Either there is a light source from above and below, or you simply make the shading full and not as a stripe.
(sorry if it was harsh)
The pose is good, and the bands are great, including their shading. The snowball is shaded great, and the colouration is fine. The only thing that bothers me is that, like Kratos said, the metal parts should be a bit shinier to make the watchers understand it's metal.

Pose: 7/10
Shading: 4/10
Colours: 8/10
My overall rating: 9/10(getting better!)
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