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Ymo's art-thread (Heavy images(?))

I smiled like en fool while reading it- people have rarely given me such a thorough compliment.
Im at loss for words right now, so I just say 'Thank you.'
Well... Now he seems to have become a pretty-boy. :P I like him better that way, but I don't know about you:

Uh... I don't want to nerve, but is there a chance you had free time to color this?

(sneaks away)
Were you joking? :o

Compliment isn't a critique. :P While critique is immensely more helpful, an insightful compliment will make the complimented feel better about themselves.

So, I appreciate your critiques. ;D (But I haven't said that I didn't, have I?)

I'll try to color him, but Im not really experienced with coloring and shading the human body, so horrible accidents may happen.
Uh... How about you make the skin a mix of the feraligatr's(the pokemon you mad!) and a light brown? Brown-red hair would look nice, and the clothes should be gray(expect the blakc stripes, of course).

And yay!(for making this.)
So you want a steely skin? (It's basically what you get if you mix brown and turquoise, that I have tested. ;D) Unless you want it to have turquoise patches (which sounds kind of strange to me)
Should the red in the hair be present as stripes, red tips for the hair, red tint, or what?

I think you need to elaborate a bit.
Red stripes on the middle of the head, the rest of the hair brown. Uh, make the skin light blue then(or whatever color you used for feraligatr)
Well, I've done a preparatory outline and been chilling for the rest of the evening, since I have to go visit a hospital tomorrow. (A 2 h ride to there)
Don't worry, I will do it even if you don't ask me about it. :P
NEW ART! Gasp!
Okay, I was in chemistry class, and we were talking about alcohols. :D When I saw the picture of the three primary alcohols: Methanol, ethanol and Propanol, I thought "Wow, those look like some creatures!" So, these three were born.
I don't have really good names for them yet. D:


Type: Poison
Ability: Levitation
Egg-group: Can breed only with ditto

Dex entry: This pokemon has grown more common after humans have started to manufacture it. It feeds on lead and paint.

It often seeks out painted surfaces to feed on. This pokemon's saliva is known to be extremely poisonous.


Ethanol - Evolves from Methanol at level 30
Type: Poison/Psychic
Ability: Levitate

Dex entry: The presence of this pokemon seems to cause strange behaviour in nearby humans. Some people find this state pleasurable.

It emanates a sweet scent which may intoxicate nearby insects and small birds. After drinking water this scent is weakened greatly.


Propanol - Evolves from ethanol by leveling up while holding a Vial of Wine (Yeah, I know ;D)
Type: Poison/Dragon
Ability: Levitate

Dex entry: This pokemon catches it's prey by spouting a large cloud of steam which makes the pokemon who breath it drowsy and dizzy. The steam is known to catch on fire easily.

It will grow restless when there is fire nearby- firemen use it to detect fires in a building. This pokemon's saliva is used as a solvent for some medicines.

This line's signature move is 'Intoxicating steam.'

Intoxicating steam
Type: Poison
Category: Other
PP: 5
Attack power: --
Accuracy: 60
Battle Effect: The target becomes confused, and after three turns falls asleep.

Super contest category: beauty
Super contest effect:
4 points.
Will appeal first the next turn.

;D I don't know if the move is overpowered or not- I think it's okay.

PS: I made some sprites just for the heck of it.

Spriting is hard. D:
Last edited:

Lol. Anyway, I'm sure my fakemon could reach this quality if I had either a scanner or photoshop. but i can get access to these once a month.. -.-

Edit: Nice shading though!
Now for something completetly different:
Aeles is enjoying the forenoon hours in a new dimension.


This character belongs to a story where his race (mountain elves) have found a way to breach into a space between the dimensions, Etherspace. Their ships are created from a substance they simply call 'black matter' though it looks more like dark blue gel. The black matter is forced into the veins of a potential pilot, and they have to convert it into energy. Several pilots die in the process, but the ones who survive are well rewarded: They get their very own ship, and are able to travel between dimensions.
At home they aren't allowed to use elemental magic at all, since the forced expanding of their energy pool usually makes their magic extremely volatile.
Aeles was a routine pilot, until he witnessed a brutal murder on one of the motherships. After panicking and escaping the ship, he was deduced the prime suspect and announced to be a criminal. He now searches for the real murderer, so that he can finally return home. (Which is easier than you think, since only a fraction of dimensions are suitable for elven habitation, and the others have no idea that other dimensions even exist.)
Love it. I really do.

Is his head supposed to have a weird glow around it - it looks a bit odd...

Regardless, the shading makes it simply gorgeous.
Yeah, the weird glow is supposed to be the reflections on the wing. :P
I fail at trying to make them realistic. <D

The most trouble I had was with the trees- I tried to separate them so that it wouldn't be just a large mass of green... The trunks also.

Thanks for the comment. ;D
Please could you draw me a venonat please? I would give more specific instructions but I'm not really sure what I want :P
Only draw or draw and color?
I still have the feraligatr to color, so it might take a longer while to color the venonat. :p
Allright. :3 I'll try to get it done soon.
Here is the ferali-boy. (I don't know about the quality.. It feels lacking. But on the other hand, I feel burnt out by this picture. D:)
definitely not as good as the image 6 posts ago, but it looks good. I'm not so sure the ice effect is that good - I've always imagined an ice punch would be a punch kind of glowing with icyness... whereas that look like he has his hand stuck is an ice cube. I really don't know how this could be improved, however - maybe if the back of the ice (the side nearest to his face) had no outline and faded out instead :P
Well, Twiggy requested that the hand be encased in ice. :P I seriously don't know how to do ice- I tried to make up something to indicate icyness there.

It seems every second picture I make is a good one and then there is a bad picture in between... Ark.
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