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You Know You Fail at (insert game here) When...

You know you fail at Shadow Hearts 2 when you can't figure out how to do a combo.
You know you fail at Shadow Hearts 2 when you lose to Asmodeus.
You know you fail at Tales of the Abyss if you're forced to switch the button formation to be the same as Symphonia's.

You know you fail at Final Fantasy I when you don't realize you have to actually equip weapons and armor.

You know you fail at The World Ends With You when you don't realize you can unlock pin slots and fusion attacks until way after you've beaten the game.
(What if you haven't played it and don't know?)

You know you fail at Shadow Hearts when the collapsing temple actually surprises you.
You know you fail at Pokemon Colosseum if you can't figure out how to beat a level 100 with a level five.
I'm surprised to know that someone else's played Shadow Hearts.

You know you fail at Shadow Hearts when you don't know how to use the Judgment Ring.
(Just Shadow Hearts Two... can't find the first one... underground RPGs FTW!)

You know you fail at Shadow Hearts when you keep trying to equip Yuri with crests.

You know you fail at Shadow Hearts when you can't use the Solomon's Key.
Re: Llama

You know you fail at "You Know You Fail at (insert game here) When..." when you can't think of a game to put in and insert the thread title instead.
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