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You Know Your Team Sucks When...

You know your team sucks when you lose to Brock in GSC and you actually have a Grass-type and a Water-type with you.
You know your team sucks when you're posting in this thread about yourself. Anonymously.
You know your team sucks when you cant capture a Lv 1 Magikarp with a Master Ball.
You know your team sucks when the opponent forfeits the game to fight someone else that poses a challenge. (I wasn't the one sucking; I was the one forfeiting. My bro's team was that bad.)
You know your team sucks when you reach the Desert Relic and your starter is slower than those Yamask.
you know your team sucks when it doesn't have a gengar on it

(everyone's teams suck now)
Actually, Smeargle has the biggest moveset ever, if you see it one way.

You know your team sucks when the Fire Flower moves away from you.
You know your team sucks when the Flying-type you are using against a Regi because it has the biggest advantage of your Pokémon is slower than the Regi.
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