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Your Biggest "Fail" Moment in a Video Game

Ouch, haha. That's generally what anyone wants to do in a traditional SRPG to have any fun xD

Just the other day, I was going for a 2 hour Buster-only speed run of Mega Man 6. I got up to the 2nd Wily Machine in about and hour and 50 minutes, but I was on 0 lives. Both Wily and I literally had no Energy left, and of course, just as I go in for the killing blow, he kills me. Goddammit. And I had to go through the beginning of the last Wily stage too, which I was NOT in the mood for.

It seems like only the bullshit happens to me, when I really think about it ;_;
When I first bought FFTA, I found it boring, tedious, and way too hard. I couldn't even beat the early quests, and I didn't like it at all.

...then I realized that you have to equip weapons to do any real damage. xD;

It's now one of my favorite games ever.
My brother did that in Final Fantasy I. He didn't realize at first how to equip weapons. xD
Oh yes, I remember one now. I was Ivysaur at the Pirate Ship, tried to recover, and was swung into the front of the ship and was killed.
First time playing FR/LG, and I've started with Charmander. I'm getting ready to face Brock, and figure he'll be just as easy as he was in R/B/Y to take out, not realizing that in FR/LG, Brock has Rock Tomb.

It took me six tries to beat him.
I'm not sure if this is a win or a fail, but a friend and I played Soul Calibur IV recently. I was playing a custom character with a halberd, and he was using some sort of fist & knife technique. Now, since I don't own the game, I'm still getting used to the controls, so I'm losing pretty badly to him.

And then he accidentally throws himself out of the ring.

Next match, I throw him out of the ring.

The next match, he throws himself out of the ring again.

And I win, despite getting beaten to a pulp. :D
Fighting Nebilim on Unknown in Tales of the Abyss. This was one of my minimalist runs through the game, where I buy the Combo EXP from the GRADE shop, to set the amount of Exp I get to 1, and I don't abuse C.Cores. I was fighting Nebilim, and, of course, I was stupid and had my entire party grouped together around the time when she had the HP range for Fragmented End. I was pissed.
Wow, other people named their rival ??? too! I am not alone!

This isn't a video game specifically, but literally four or five weeks ago, I finally realized what the "L" and "R" buttons on video game consoles stand for.
I joined a TF2 2fort server a while ago when it was still in the menu. Once the match started, I saw that everyone was an Engineer. Well, there was one Heavy, but the rest were Engineers. Now, I play Medic and Sniper, I suck as everyone else. I expect the Engies to build sentries, then run out to grab the intel with the Heavy and I, and keep an Engiee in the Intel room in case of Spies. But no. That assumption made an ass out of me. The entire rest of the team did what I thought....except...they sat there. They went into the intel rooms and sat there. Didn't even build sentries. The Heavy went their path too. So I, the lone Medic, was constantly killed while I attempted to grab the intel for about 20 mins by myself. Then, a light shone. The Heavy began to move. I followed him and turned on my Healgun. As we began to move, the Heavy began to run into walls and be a complete idiot. At first, it was in our base, and I joined in. But when we started to cross the bridge, he was continuing to taunt, spin, and crouch. I gave up and walked away. I then heard a shot. The Heavy had been sniped. I lol'd, then left the server.

Why it's a fail for me- I didn't leave in the first place.
In Tales of Phantasia, there's this dungeon where you need a certain item to break the wall in front of you. Well, on my third play through, I went into the long dungeon, traveled a long nine or so floors, and of course, forgot the item again. So I have to go all the way back, constantly fighting monsters, until I reach the entrance. So, then I put my Gameboy down for like five minutes, forgot I needed the item (Yeah, I do things like that), and traveled all the way back down. Oh, whoop-de-do, I don't have the fucking pickaxe. Travel all the way back up again, then go to the shop. I'm short on supplies, so I buy some. Guess what? I forgot to buy the fucking pickaxe again.

Fuck. Failure.
Was fighting Form 3 Duke at the end of Tales of Vesperia. I completely forgot that I had two Barbatos Rings, one equipped to Yuri, the other to Judith, and I had Estelle's Anti-Magic Skill turned on, so I couldn't use ANY items, nor were any healing spells or buffs affecting anyone except for Repede.

I managed to live for about 45 minutes on Gale Dog and Cyclone Blast alone, but I eventually ran out of Gels and Limit Bottles, and Duke, being the ass that he is, used Brave Vesperia twice when his HP hit 2/3, and 1/3, the first time being no problem because Repede's Gale Dog was in effect, the 2nd effectively killing me, and healing him back to 2/3, because I forgot to use Gale Dog.
Another, I was fighting Tales of the Abyss' Cameo battle with Philia (Tales of Destiny), Mint (Phantasia), Nanaly (Destiny 2), and Rid/Reid (Eternia) on Unknown. This was a simple case of forgetfulness; I forgot that Reid uses Rising Phoenix, and extends into Burning Phoenix immediately after, so he instantly KOed Guy and Luke. I recovered nicely, and proceeded to kick Mint's, Philia's, and Nanaly's asses. I did just that, and just I was about to KO Reid, I realized I totally forgot about his Aurora Wall/Wave right when he used it.

So he left my entire party in critical condition, with his party practically fully healed, and I had to redo the entire fight for another hour, the this time with next to no items, Anise's Resurrection, and Natalia's buffs, and my oh-so-treasured Revive.
If only I named my rival "???", then I could be content.

But no. I named him "BAD". I'm not even joking; I have no idea what process came to me as a child to name him "BAD".

I've done a lot of fail before, often times for reasons that seem extensively stupid. Here's some magical ones I can think up of right now.
  • Making Cecil touch fire in Final Fantasy Four... again... and again... and again
  • Constantly jumping into pits in Super Mario Bros. Games because I swore there was magic coins and shrooms there
  • Thinking that 3-D Link can survive a three story fall off a mountain.
  • Thinking that Frank West does not need weapons and going fisticuffs against hordes of zombies
  • Believing that my Pikachu's special bond with me would help it defeat the Elite Four on it's own
  • Trying to make peace with the Nazis in Wolfenstein 3D
  • Beating up fellow players in Gauntlet II, thinking they will give me the food I so desperately need badly

... I was a very naive child. Except in Dead Rising. There, I was just a very cocky teenager.
The anime can be SO misleading at times! :(

Oh, I know. It broke my little heart all the time.

For example, that Pikachu can't use its tail as a lightning rod.

And that Lugia won't attack me because I'm the chosen one. And we would go on a adventure to stop a giant Cool Ship and its Nietzche Big Bad.

...don't think I actually worded it that way, back then.

(And if you think that bad, you should have seen what the Super Mario Bros. Show did to me!)
When I first played MOTHER 3, it was way before the English translation was out so I had no clue what everyone was saying. I couldn't get past the Reconstructed Caribou because I couldn't find Duster's wall staples or the items menu.

In EarthBound, I spent 10-20 minutes trying to fix the broken pipe to make the shield killer and then I completely forgot I had it. It took me forever to defeat Shroom!!! and the Clumsy Robot since I was using my regular attacks due to their shields XD

and I must of been a smart 5-year-old because I named my rival in gold "Jessie". He was named after a guy in my kindergarden who used to chase me and beat me up ):
More of a fail because it was a long span of time that I was failing and didn't notice until it was too late. In, uh, silver? I think? A G/S/C game. Anyway, I had made my way all the way to Cianwood and had defeated Chuck. So I went to get Fly and realized, after looking through my box, that I hadn't caught a single flying type yet for some crap reason. So I had to Surf back to Olivine.

And then double fail because the battery died right before I got to shore. And I hadn't saved since, like, just after beating Whitney. >.>

EDIT: Oh, and I did that cat thing in Twilight Princess, too. Except it took me almost an hour. :(
More of a fail because it was a long span of time that I was failing and didn't notice until it was too late. In, uh, silver? I think? A G/S/C game. Anyway, I had made my way all the way to Cianwood and had defeated Chuck. So I went to get Fly and realized, after looking through my box, that I hadn't caught a single flying type yet for some crap reason. So I had to Surf back to Olivine.

YES I'm not alone. This always happens to me. And of course, at this point, I'm just about always out of money and repels, so I have to bear all of the wild Pokemon on my way back to Olivine. This STILL happens to me and I hate it.
You mean you don't even catch one of the three birds at the begining to help fill out your team? Y'all are silly.
The first thing that comes to mind is when I was playing The World Ends with You. I randomly scanned and a Taboo noise happened to be right next to me, and I figured, "What the heck, I might as well chain two more." Turns out that I had no pins equipped, so I was stuck dashing back and forth while my partner whittled slowly away at the enemies' health.

Ouch~ Okay I was playing TWEWY too and I never figured out how to move very well... I always held 'em off with shockwave, then quickly expended my thunderbolt, then juggled em with force rounds. Swing sharks little dive-y move creamed me good...
This is my biggest fail. XD

I have a bad habit of not saving my Pokemon games and just putting my DS in sleep mode. So one day when I grabbed my DS (it was in sleep mode) I accidentally pushed the game, and it popped out. Turns out the last time I saved was when I got my National Dex. I went to the Fight Area, Survival Area, Resort Area, caught 16 pokemon, and was halfway through Stark Mountain. I didn't save. XD

And I also named my rival ???.
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