Format: 2v2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 2 weeks, because it is my first battle and I know I'll procrastinate.
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned and Restricted Moves: Moves that you couldn't use in the arena (i.e. Surf, because there isn't enough water); OHKO moves; 1 direct healing move per Pokémon; 4 chills per Pokémon
Arena Description: The battling, for the most part, takes place on a 'stage', which is simply a rectangular patch of sand in the middle of an open, grassy field. The 'stage' is large enough for medium-large Pokémon to easily maneuver and aim their attacks. At each of the four corners of the 'stage' are three medium-sized rocks usable for attacks such as Rock Tomb. The sand is soft enough to easily Dig through, as is the soil on the field surrounding it. There is also a pool in the center of the 'stage' for water-type Pokémon who need it.
Pokémon are free to move away from the 'stage' as they please, although they won't find anything but and endless, flat expanse of grass. Flying-types also have unlimited space in the air, since it is outdoors.
(Oh geez, I hope I didn't make that look too complicated, 'cause it's like the most basic arena ever created)
Additional Rules: I'd prefer to battle someone on my skill level (which is quite low), but I'm also ready for a challenge.
Round Six Start!
Team Zapi

[Julian] Sentret (M)
Ability: Run Away
Health: 47%
Energy: 56%
Status: "..." Watching carefully.
4+ Sp. Defense, 3+ Accuracy, 2+ Attack.
Chills: 2/4
Team Conrad

[Jason] Mareep (M)
Ability: Static
Health: 55%
Energy: 51%
Status: "..." Observing eyefully.
3+ Defense, 2+ Sp. Attack, 2+ Sp. Defense, 1- Accuracy
Chills: 2/4
The Mareep's strategy was going absolutely well much to its own surprise. Perhaps the yellow sheep would stick with these moves for a bit. Once again, Jason charged up his fleece with electricity, it visibly and audibly crackling with the converted energy. Not smirking such as before, the sheep shifted his glance so that it met his opponent's eyes. However, those eyes seemed confused and lost. Julian had forgotten what had been occurring once more, slowly regaining his senses by the second. Despite this, the Sentret could not remember how to perform the karate-like move he had known before. Which way did it go again? The ferret shook its head and faced its foe; that was not of importance.
Using the electricity already on his fleece, Jason released energy in the form of lightning, powered up by the electricity already crackling on him. It sped across the sage in a millisecond, a flash displaying the impact of it oto the opposing ferret. Though its senses had been a bit dull, the electricty was extremely painful, feeling as if his heart was continuously pumping it. The Sentret eventually recovered from the shock, and then it ran across the stage with celerity, preparing some sort of retaliation. Despite the electric sheep expecting this, he did responded quick enough; the claws teared through his fleece, leaving a somewat deep cut on his bare skin. The Mareep cringed, then regained a fighting stance towards his opponent.
The pain from the minute scratch was irritating, though, and Jason needed some more rest. the ferret was obviously thinking the same thing. Both, almost simultaneously, lowered themselves onto the sand, eventually positioning themselves flat onto it. The referee, who had been zoning out, quickly stood up and fluttered his flags in the breeze, symbolizing the end of the round.
Round Six End!
Team Zapi

[Julian] Sentret (M)
Ability: Run Away
Health: 35%
Energy: 58%
Status: "..." Watching carefully. Again.
4+ Sp. Defense, 3+ Accuracy, 2+ Attack.
Chills: 3/4
Team Conrad

[Jason] Mareep (M)
Ability: Static
Health: 49%
Energy: 50%
Status: "..." Observing eyefully. Again.
3+ Defense, 3+ Sp. Defense, 2+ Sp. Attack, 1- Accuracy
Chills: 3/4
Damage and Energy Calculations
Julian's Attacks:
- Amnesia: 3% Energy
- Slash: 6% Damage, 5% Energy
Jason's Attacks:
- Charge: 4% Energy
- Thunderbolt: 12% Damage, 7% Energy
Arena Notes
- The tunnels from Dig have now been filled in
- Sand is a bit scattered outside the "stage" due to Mud Slap.
- Each Chill replenished 10% Energy.
- Amnesia caused Julian to forget Brick Break.
- Second Amnesia will last for two more rounds.
- Third Amnesia will last for four more rounds.
Next Round
- Conrad attacks.
- Zapi attacks.
- I ref.