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New profile posts

Thanks for the lovely welcome messages! How have you all been?
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I'm doing UI software dev for the NHS! Public sector doesn't pay great ofc but it's something stable and not too demanding while I assemble the rest of my life

can't remember how long it's been, did you already know I figured out I'm a girl? dealing with that is taking up most of my mental energy atm tbqh

glad to hear about your degree! what's the subject?
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@qenya Aw, good for you! <3 No, I didn't know so thanks for telling meI I hope it has been a positive experience for you, and it's good that you're taking care of yourself with a less demanding job. My best wishes! 🤗

Thanks! It's a degree in editorial translating, so it goes well with my interests. 😄
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Aww nice! That sounds like a lot of fun, glad you're getting to do something you enjoy 🥰
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The friend returns!? Welcome back!!!!
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Hi qenya! Thank you :D
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I see I'm not the only one who noticed Ys online! Welcome back!
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Thanks, Eifie! ^^
wherest :(
My new fakemon region is called Pumoja. P for Pokémon plus Umoja, which is Swahili for unity.
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
The starters are named Nyacruta, the plant cub Pokémon, Motovark, the heat snout Pokémon, and Hyppoko, the tiny hippo Pokémon.
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
the hypothetical versions will be called 'Garnet' and "Topaz'
it's kind of hilarious how much bullshit you can get past people in irl mafia just by saying a lot of words loudly and fastly and often without even pretending to provide any reasoning behind them whatsoever
Mmm, that may be fun but it's not actually relevant to anything in the game! I'm reluctant to have something in the calculator that doesn't actually represent a real way the game behaves - the only reason I had a custom multiplier was that the actual multipliers were unknown at the time.

If you just want to see what would happen with a hypothetical different formula with different multipliers, you can always simply create an Excel spreadsheet or the like where you can enter custom values into the formula given on the capture mechanics page.
Arya going to make more Pokémon movie reviews or are those permanently finished? There's now way more movies including the lady Mewtwo movie, the one with Hoopa trying to be the Rock, the retelling of the first anime episode, the one with Tarzan, a retelling of the first movie, and one with a festival.
My current project with the revivews is updating them to have better writing and contain some screenshots - I'm working on the Mewtwo Returns one right now, and should move on from there to Legend of Thunder and Origins. After that, though, yeah, I hope to finally move on to the thirteenth movie and onwards.
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Making myself laugh reading through old entries in my dream journal
what's the weirdest dream you've had murkrow?
@haneko the ones I find most surpirsing is when I have dreams where me in the dream is cleverer than the real me.

In one dream, I was in a Japanese lesson, and the teacher was showing us how to work out the meaning of Kanji based on which radicals make up the character. Having a background in mathematics, I noticed that there was some Group Theory behind it and started working out the meanings of the kanji using maths. Obviously that isn't a thing IRL but the individual bits of reasoning I remember from the dream did make sense (such as 8 and 9 not having prime factors in common, therefore their lowest common multiple must be 8*9 = 72).

Other dreams I have involve jokes that actually make sense. For example I was with a bunch of Hobbits having a party, one of the snacks we had were Mini Cheddars and I said "if we're Hobbits, then these are more like regular-sized cheddars".
If only kanji *were* that simple
I think I'd credit this place for encouraging me to learn more about trans issues + how to be supportive of trans rights. I was nominally pro-trans in the past, but didn't give any thoughts until now towards what being trans means to those who are, and how they wish they'd be treated. Hopefully y'all forgive me for any uncomfy things I've posted in the past. These biases unfortunately run deep.

(and this is probably the deepest thing I've ever written on this site lmao)
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