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The Challenge Board

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1 vs 1 single
DQ Time: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Weather Moves, Charging moves
Arena: PokeStadium

In the middle of the ocean, a stadium filled with changing terrains is open for battles. Due to the lack of space, only 1 pokemon per trainer. After every round, the terrain cnanges.

Volcano~ Boosts the power of fire type moves, weakens moves that are super effective to fire types. Flash fire activated.

Forest~ Boosts powers of grass type moves, weakens moves super effective to grass types.

Trench~ Boosts power of water type moves, weakens moves super effective to water types. Swift swim activated.

Thunderstorm~Boosts power of electric type moves, weakens moves super effective to electric types. Lightningrod activated.

Default~ Boosts a randomized type, weakens moves super effective to those types.

All have an equal chance of happening. Each stage will not come out twice in a row.

Other: All Abilities are negated, unless it is an ability listed and is on that stage.
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And if someone used fire-type moves, it cause a forest fire. :P
Well, it would be hard to battle while getting barbecued.
Can I ask that you guys continue this discussion elsewhere? The challenge board is only for making/accepting challenges and clarification about those challenges; since Negrek explained that it's possible to ban fire-type moves and that's what Everglider wants, there's really no need to "clarify" anything any further. Let's keep a lid on the idle chatter, mk?
3 VS 3 Triple
Style: Set
DQ: Three Days
Damage Cap: 37%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 3 direct heal per team/3 chill per team
Arena: Storming Fields

These fields represent where Thundurus, Tornadus, Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Groudon, and Kyogre have drastically effected the climate in their own way.

Essentially a shitstorm...

The field is extremely bare, with no water source to draw on. Every other round a random battler can be struck by either; heat wave, hurricane, blizzard, thunder, or eruption. Aldo the weather randomly fluctuates every round.
1 vs 1 single
DQ Time: 2 1/2 Days
Damage Cap: 50%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Weather Moves, Charging moves
Arena: PokeStadium

In the middle of the ocean, a stadium filled with changing terrains is open for battles. Due to the lack of space, only 1 pokemon per trainer. After every round, the terrain cnanges.

Volcano~ Boosts the power of fire type moves, weakens moves that are super effective to fire types. Flash fire activated.

Forest~ Boosts powers of grass type moves, weakens moves super effective to grass types.

Trench~ Boosts power of water type moves, weakens moves super effective to water types. Swift swim activated.

Thunderstorm~Boosts power of electric type moves, weakens moves super effective to electric types. Lightningrod activated.

Default~ Boosts a randomized type, weakens moves super effective to those types.

All have an equal chance of happening. Each stage will not come out twice in a row.

Other: All Abilities are negated, unless it is an ability listed and is on that stage.

I will take this, but can I make a couple suggestions? Like changing the DQ to something more reasonable? No ref will take it with a 2.5 DQ.... Maybe a standard week? I've never even heard of a 2 1/2 DQ... Who does half? Also what's the percentage of the boosts for the types? Or is it just up to the ref?

Also 50% is pretty high for a cap. Maybe something lower? 30%?

And abilities negated? How does that work?
1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days
Damage Cap: none
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: A boat

A normal, cruise-ship-sized rowboat that is in the middle of the ocean. Oh, yeah, and it's about 50 miles away from Antarctica.
1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days
Damage Cap: none
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: A boat

A normal, cruise-ship-sized rowboat that is in the middle of the ocean. Oh, yeah, and it's about 50 miles away from Antarctica.

I'll battle you, if you don't mind...? It was fun in the tournament. :D
I will take this, but can I make a couple suggestions? Like changing the DQ to something more reasonable? No ref will take it with a 2.5 DQ.... Maybe a standard week? I've never even heard of a 2 1/2 DQ... Who does half? Also what's the percentage of the boosts for the types? Or is it just up to the ref?

Also 50% is pretty high for a cap. Maybe something lower? 30%?

And abilities negated? How does that work?

Simple. If a Pokemon's ability is supposed to work at a time, it just wont work. The only ones that can be used are flash fire, lightning rod, swift swim.

And I do half, cause I role like that.

Hmm...yeah, it might be a little high.

And all boosts are equal. If default gets picked, then the remaining 13 types will be equally randomized.

Eit: Is 4 1/2 better?
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