Fire emblem is great
Okay, so. I'm making a competitive Sunny Day team. Oh yeah, and it's for doubles.
Timid / <Drought>
252 Spd, 252 Def, 4 SAtk
~Will o' Wisp
~Heat Wave
I'll scour the Dream World for one ten days from now. Anyhow, I'm iffy on this thing's EV spread, but the strategy for it should be fairly obvious. Burn, then Hex, and use Heat Wave and Solarbeam for better coverage and other attacking and stuff.
Timid / <Levitate>
252 Spd, 252 SAtk, 4 HP
~Shadow Ball
~Dark Pulse / Volt Switch
This will be Ninetales' partner. I'm a little iffy on the whole Dark Pulse vs Volt Switch thing -- I'd love some advice on that.
@ ???
Timid/Modest / <Flash Fire>
252 Spd, 252 SAtk, 4 HP
~Heat Wave
~Shadow Ball
~Calm Mind
Standard Chandelure, works well if Magmortar is out.
Impish / <Chlorophyll>
252 HP 252 Def 4 Def
~Power Whip
~Earthquake / Rock Slide
I'm curious about this one. First, while it will probably work, I'm unsure what I should do with the EV spread. It's meant to be defensive, and Amnesia is to attempt to patch up its sub-par Special Defense if necessary. But should I do that, or is it a lost cause? - should I put more on the offensive front with Earthquake in one slot and Rock Slide in the other? (I picked going for physical damage because more coverage was available.)
Modest / <Chlorophyll>
252 Spd, 252 SAtk, 4 HP
~Trick Room
~Sleep Powder
I've noticed Trick Roomers cramping my style. If I need to get rid of that, here this thing is. He's also a surprisingly good special sweeper in sun.
Timid / <Forecast>
252 SAtk 252 Spd 4 HP
~Blizzard / Ice Beam
~Fire Blast
~Sunny Day
I really desperately needed something that could take down Dragons and yet still reside on a Sunny Day team. It also serves as a last-ditch effort to revive the Sun if it's gone and Ninetales has already fainted. Not sure whether to go with the slightly less powerful and only single-target Ice Beam or the I HAVE NO CHILD-accuracy blizzard.

Timid / <Drought>
252 Spd, 252 Def, 4 SAtk
~Will o' Wisp
~Heat Wave
I'll scour the Dream World for one ten days from now. Anyhow, I'm iffy on this thing's EV spread, but the strategy for it should be fairly obvious. Burn, then Hex, and use Heat Wave and Solarbeam for better coverage and other attacking and stuff.

Timid / <Levitate>
252 Spd, 252 SAtk, 4 HP
~Shadow Ball
~Dark Pulse / Volt Switch
This will be Ninetales' partner. I'm a little iffy on the whole Dark Pulse vs Volt Switch thing -- I'd love some advice on that.

Timid/Modest / <Flash Fire>
252 Spd, 252 SAtk, 4 HP
~Heat Wave
~Shadow Ball
~Calm Mind
Standard Chandelure, works well if Magmortar is out.

Impish / <Chlorophyll>
252 HP 252 Def 4 Def
~Power Whip
~Earthquake / Rock Slide
I'm curious about this one. First, while it will probably work, I'm unsure what I should do with the EV spread. It's meant to be defensive, and Amnesia is to attempt to patch up its sub-par Special Defense if necessary. But should I do that, or is it a lost cause? - should I put more on the offensive front with Earthquake in one slot and Rock Slide in the other? (I picked going for physical damage because more coverage was available.)

Modest / <Chlorophyll>
252 Spd, 252 SAtk, 4 HP
~Trick Room
~Sleep Powder
I've noticed Trick Roomers cramping my style. If I need to get rid of that, here this thing is. He's also a surprisingly good special sweeper in sun.

Timid / <Forecast>
252 SAtk 252 Spd 4 HP
~Blizzard / Ice Beam
~Fire Blast
~Sunny Day
I really desperately needed something that could take down Dragons and yet still reside on a Sunny Day team. It also serves as a last-ditch effort to revive the Sun if it's gone and Ninetales has already fainted. Not sure whether to go with the slightly less powerful and only single-target Ice Beam or the I HAVE NO CHILD-accuracy blizzard.
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