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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
They can always do as HGSS did, and keep the PokéTechitem as it was previously whilst simply giving us a touchscreen full of wonderfully useful things.The PokéNav will probably be replaced with something on the bottom screen at least.
The Pokemon Center and PokeMart are separate again.
But yours is still more special than some event copy-paste 'mon because it's your own and you can name it and everything :OI'm slightly peeved that everyone will now have a shiny metagross after I put so much effort into Masuda breeding one >_>
Aaaaaand it has a good nature and IVs. I hadn't even realized until now that you couldn't nickname event Pokémon.But yours is still more special than some event copy-paste 'mon because it's your own and you can name it and everything :O
To be fair, at least some event pokemon are nameable (like the Pokebank Celebi), but I'm pretty sure the Beldum will have some special OT like the Speed Boost Torchic and can't be named because events are nasty like that (nicknames are important!) :UAaaaaand it has a good nature and IVs. I hadn't even realized until now that you couldn't nickname event Pokémon.