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tbh my favourite part is how fucking done Maxie is with everyone's shit:

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tbh my favourite part is how fucking done Maxie is with everyone's shit:
EDIT: also there are some new pictures, including the Hoenn map:
Wonder what the dark castle-looking thingy in the top right of the region is? I don't remember anything being there :O![]()
The ominous black thingy north of Lilycove :ODo you mean the black thing north of Lillycove or the grey bit on Mossdeep?
It's also right outside the Seafloor Cavern, so it's not all that meaningless a location.I like how you can clearly make out the ring of shallow water in the middle of the sea, which is an oddly memorable location. It's where Archie/Maxie realise they made a terrible mistake.
It's north of the Safari Zone, so it seems to me like it won't be anything to do with the plot, per se. Possibly a new thing for the Safari Zone or a location for eventual event legendaries, akin to how HGSS had that one place where you could get the weather trio which is now back to the forefront.The ominous black thingy north of Lilycove :O
I double-checked and yeah, the old map doesn't have anything there. Could be something interesting!
There's a mass of clouds where one would ordinarily find the Battle Frontier. Such the suspense...Any word on the battle frontier? the southern islands don't really seem to match up with the old map...
Or maybe that black-hole-vortex thing is the battle frontier?
Strange that it has red gems when it's a Sapphire exclusive.
Am I the only person finding the race divisions between Team Aqua/Magma really weird? Though, I have to admit that the split coupled with the elemental affinities does very vaguely remind me, generally, of the water benders and fire (or possibly earth?) benders from Avatar.