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Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

EDIT: also there are some new pictures, including the Hoenn map:
Wonder what the dark castle-looking thingy in the top right of the region is? I don't remember anything being there :O

Do you mean the black thing north of Lillycove or the grey bit on Mossdeep?
The grey thing is probably metal and is the space centre (which I hear if the number of rocket launches reaches 100, you get to go the moon and catch Deoxys)

I like how you can clearly make out the ring of shallow water in the middle of the sea, which is an oddly memorable location. It's where Archie/Maxie realise they made a terrible mistake.
Do you mean the black thing north of Lillycove or the grey bit on Mossdeep?
The ominous black thingy north of Lilycove :O
I double-checked and yeah, the old map doesn't have anything there. Could be something interesting!
It might just be nothing, it could just be a part of the clouds around the edges. Or it could be an event-only location like that island where you catch Mew.

A few more things:

Steven is clearly wearing a mega ring, I wonder who he will mega evolve? Aggron probably but we never know!

Hopefully Steven will have a larger role to play in the games. It isn't much of a twist when it turns out he's the champion because we don't know much about him in the first place. He likes rocks, is the son of Pres. Devon and knows how to see Kecleon, that's about it.

We saw the inside of two gyms. The one with the Hex Maniacs on floating platforms is probably Mossdeep, and the one with the trap doors I think is Lavaridge.

Roxanne looks a bit different but I like it!

Someone needs to zoom and enhance on that map and see what's there where the contest halls/battle tents are supposed to be.

The Devon building seems a bit off to the side.
I like how you can clearly make out the ring of shallow water in the middle of the sea, which is an oddly memorable location. It's where Archie/Maxie realise they made a terrible mistake.
It's also right outside the Seafloor Cavern, so it's not all that meaningless a location.

The ominous black thingy north of Lilycove :O
I double-checked and yeah, the old map doesn't have anything there. Could be something interesting!
It's north of the Safari Zone, so it seems to me like it won't be anything to do with the plot, per se. Possibly a new thing for the Safari Zone or a location for eventual event legendaries, akin to how HGSS had that one place where you could get the weather trio which is now back to the forefront.

Also, I am now attempting to eagle-eye the map to see if I can maybe spot anything where there are supposed to be contest halls. Hopefully that won't wreck my vision completely.

EDIT: Bingo! I see extremely similar -- likely identical -- brown buildings in Slateport, Verdanturf and Lilycove, in the exact same places where you'd normally find Contest Halls. Fallarbor is too far away and partially covered by Mt. Chimney's smoke, but there's something in there might be another one of those buildings as well.

Now all that leaves is hoping that these buildings are indeed all Contest Halls. They don't seem tremendously glamorous, but that might just be the bluriness and the distance.
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Any word on the battle frontier? the southern islands don't really seem to match up with the old map...

Or maybe that black-hole-vortex thing is the battle frontier?
Any word on the battle frontier? the southern islands don't really seem to match up with the old map...

Or maybe that black-hole-vortex thing is the battle frontier?
There's a mass of clouds where one would ordinarily find the Battle Frontier. Such the suspense...
Also, east of the battle frontier and south of [that route between Slateport and Pacifidlog] is another island that I don't remember from RSE. It looks like one smaller plateau on top of a larger plateau, both covered with grass, with the top plateau having what might be a cave entrance, from what I can tell. According to sources, this is Southern Island where Latias/Latios appear after you get the Eon ticket. So, that's back and it's gotten some good detail on the map.

Also, east of Cycling road is a sinnoh-shaped island that, while there in RSE, was never really explored very much and I wonder if they'll do something with it now. Probably not, because unlike Southern Island it doesn't have much topographical detail.

The other thing about this map is that there are two places that are conspicuously covered with clouds. The Battle Frontier/Battle Tower should at least be the one south of Sootopolis/Ever Grande City, but the cloud mass south of Pacifidlog really looks like it's hiding something important.

And of course there's that very conspicuous dark-ish mass north of Lilycove. It looks from a glance almost like a Dr. Wily castle, but upon closer inspection it appears to be more of a mountain of some sort, with the face (the lighter lines that are visible) doing something akin to what the interior of the Rustboro end of Meteor Falls does (you know that texture I'm talking about, hopefully). The other interesting thing is that on both ends clouds seem to be shooting towards it -- the cloud on the left is dark-colored, like the island, but the cloud on the right is white but turning to green. Who knows what that could mean. Latios/Latias? Perhaps it has something to do with seeing D/P/Pt legendaries somewhere?

Also, Faraway Island, Birth Island and Navel Rock aren't visible (obviously, because they're in the Sevii islands) but I wonder if we'll be able to go to them anyway.
Strange that it has red gems when it's a Sapphire exclusive.

Nintendo seems to like doing things like that, a couple megastones exclusive to x were for Pokemon exclusive to y, and vice versa.

I like it! And how it pulls an improbably huge gem out of nowhere. My headcannon for that is that the mega stone just becomes a huge ruby, I guess. Also brings a sort of balance, what with there already being a mega mawile.
I kept wishing it would move out from behind its gem shield a little so I could get a good look a it. I'm a bit disappointed that its design doesn't seem that different, but it is is pretty cute how it hides behind that over-sized gem.

I wonder what it'll be like competitively? I've had a lot of good runs with prankster Sableye. It'll be interesting to see what its mega form can offer.
Am I the only person finding the race divisions between Team Aqua/Magma really weird? Though, I have to admit that the split coupled with the elemental affinities does very vaguely remind me, generally, of the water benders and fire (or possibly earth?) benders from Avatar.
Am I the only person finding the race divisions between Team Aqua/Magma really weird? Though, I have to admit that the split coupled with the elemental affinities does very vaguely remind me, generally, of the water benders and fire (or possibly earth?) benders from Avatar.

Archie's new design is terrible regardless of whatever race or tan he is now.
Oh, I was by no means disagreeing with that sentiment in any way – though I dislike Tabitha and Shelly's redesigns the most, in all honesty. Really, I was getting more at the fact that the two teams just now resemble two weird giant families, or just have a large, random divide in them.
For those wondering: secret bases are very likely coming back!

You can see an indentation there, and it's apparently in the same spot as in the original games.
I loved secret bases and I can't wait to see them in 3D! :O


Holy shit this is amazing

-Brendan looks Latino (or the Japanese equivalent) which is awesome, because I'm pretty sure school glue was darker than him in RSE and you can actually tell his hat is not his hair.
-Steven looks older and more like Ellen DeGeneres. Still internally debating if this is good.
-Mega Swampert is adorable aww
-Mega Sceptile's tail looks like a Christmas tree.
-Mega Diancie is fabulous
-Segregation of shops is good. Towns look busier that way.

I wouldn't be surprised Camerupt and Sharpedo get Megas. Y'know, because of the evil teams and stuff.
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