oh man, good times.
- Pronoun
- she/her
hmm I can actually sorta vibe with that maybeSquirtle's first reaction is mafia role-spec which pings townie unless he was intentional about trying to get derpcleared
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hmm I can actually sorta vibe with that maybeSquirtle's first reaction is mafia role-spec which pings townie unless he was intentional about trying to get derpcleared
I don't wanna kill my friends :(maybe i'm just being too nice to everyone lol idk :(
sorry, am unfamiliar with lingo. can you explain this to me?Squirtle's first reaction is mafia role-spec which pings townie unless he was intentional about trying to get derpcleared
being too nice >> being toxicmaybe i'm just being too nice to everyone lol idk :(
Squirtle's first reaction to Vipera's claim was to speculate about what roles the mafia would have. Since mafia would know what roles the mafia would have, Squirtle is likely town unless he made this post intentionally to give this reaction.sorry, am unfamiliar with lingo. can you explain this to me?
his read less "oh wow! i wonder what roles are out there, oh boy! (hehehe ...)" and more "what the fuck" which makes me agree with seshas' readWondering about roles doesn't seem /that/ farfetched to me. Nobody's gonna claim to know about what other people's/alignments' roles, especially on just day 1. Just because they stuck "mafia" in front doesn't make him any more or less suspicious to me.
Is there anything that happened that you think is important at all, even if it's not necessarily like a "thought" or anything useful to say? Like what were some things that you remember from reading?Wondering about roles doesn't seem /that/ farfetched to me. Nobody's gonna claim to know about what other people's/alignments' roles, especially on just day 1. Just because they stuck "mafia" in front doesn't make him any more or less suspicious to me.
Aaaand I don't really have any further thoughts because they got lost between reading all 34 pages of thread. I'll try going back and keeping notes from here on. '-'
I guess I won't mind if i do get offed right away. In fact, oh yeah, I forgot to mention another part of my role: I learn the name of all the mafia members on N1, and I also have unlimited daytime vigilante kills. Would be a real shame if something were to happen to me tonight~
tbh i got about as far as you did and then went "oh. it's a shitpost"
- it seemed like it was in response to how outlandish vm's claim was (as otter apparently didn't initially realize it was a joke)
"unlimited vigilante kills" and knowing the entire mafia roster seems like a bit muchI'm confused by how we know if VM is joking or not? Is it because his role seems overpowered in addition to having the universal backup, or did I miss something else?
lol he was just saying that because he wanted to be killed n1.I'm confused by how we know if VM is joking or not? Is it because his role seems overpowered in addition to having the universal backup, or did I miss something else?
Thanks for putting into words what I could not. I fully subscribe to this read.[a short essay on Keldeo]
I see barely posting more like a sign of laziness and/or disinterest than a sign of being scum. Ech, maybe I’m being naïve.that seems like a really weird thing to scum read him for to me, why not do the same to like the half dozen people who have actually barely posted
So do I. I guess I just didn’t know you (qva) enough, or just was way too overran by shock and drowsiness.also idk if this is still a topic of discourse but i also want to like, formally take back the shade i briefly threw on kyeugh last night. i was kind ofbecause the way it read to me she cast suspicion on seshas without (i thought) any rationale/i kind of felt like it was a reach and i read her early explanation as a bit of an awk backpedal
but after sleeping on it and reading back through her justification and eifie talking about it after the fact i'm a bit more comforted now
Talking about the inactive: I just sent @Odie_Pie an email. I hope she reads it. It would be a pity to kill off for ghosting a person who has a higher chance to be town.fr though do we actually have any ideas other than "kill the inactive, shrug"
The vote is because he wanted to test it during this day, which is exactly what mafia would want to make sure they don't get baited on the nightkill.
Holy fucking shit, what an insight. I can’t unsee that now. I shall vote Ottercopter as well.it feels a bit like you know stuff that's happening in the thread in a way that doesn't match up with your actual thread presence and I'm trying to figure out how I should feel about it. Like that you did read VM's claim before and waved it off, and that you're aware that I suggested lynching someone who hasn't been online for a while, but at the same time you don't have any further thoughts.